Can't wait to get started

"Before taking the course I hated sales, now I feel excited to approach wholesalers and they’re saying yes after one visit!"
Before taking the course, I had on my vision board "find the perfect sales person," because I hated sales so much and felt this was holding me back more than anything. Robin and Tracy gave me tools, advice, and most importantly the correct context for approaching sales in a way that feels really good and is extremely effective. Since the course, I reached out to three local stores for wholesale opportunities and two of them said yes to my line after one visit to their stores. I now feel excited, rather than dreadful, about introducing my line to potential wholesalers, and realized that *I* am that perfect sales person I was trying to manifest on my vision board.

"Instead of spending my weekends at markets, I focused on my website and the sales ROCKED this year!"
Purchasing a home and a bout with breast cancer forced me to cancel a majority of my shows last year. I am happy to say that even in light of my life changes and challenges, I ended my year within $1000 gross sales of the previous year while taking back all of my weekends. Plus, instead of spending my weekends at markets, I focused on my website and it ROCKED this year! Instead of 3 web sales a month in the $60-$100 range, I averaged 3 web sales a day in the $300-600 range during the holidays! I would have never been able to figure out all of this information so quickly on my own.
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