
Double Your Sales, Without Doubling Your Working Hours

It’s possible to use your website as a consistent money-magnet, no matter what business model you’re using to sell jewelry.

(only 15 sessions available)

If you're selected, you'll:

  • Get crystal clear about what's possible for your jewelry business, and the level of income, impact & independence YOU really want to have...
  • Find out the essential building blocks for growing a jewelry business fast ...
  • Discover the #1 thing that's stopping you from getting what you want ...
  • Identify the most powerful steps you can take to get the monthly income you want ...
  • Leave the session with the confidence of knowing EXACTLY what needs to happen to create the jewelry business you’ve been dreaming about…


It'll be a short session (25-30 minutes, tops) and it'll get you moving forward fast.

“I had my session with Jess to do an overview of my website to assess how to move forward.  She was so helpful and gave me feedback to help me to move forward with specific tasks. All of the coaches that I have engaged with have been fantastic to work with and fully focused on what I needed to do.”  - Kena Treadway

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