Are You Ready To...

Fast-Track the Success of Your Jewelry Business in 2020 Using Proven Strategies to Create Consistent, Predictable Sales

Have you already heard about LTF and know it’s a perfect fit for you? If so...

Don't read this until you're ready to build your jewelry business. Why?


Because what I'm about to share with you has helped thousands of independent jewelry designers and makers make consistent, predictable sales...

Sales that have allowed them to leave soul-sucking "day jobs" or to scale up their fledgling hobby-biz into a full-fledged, profitable brand. Of course, that's not a problem, but...


Once You Realize the Same Kind of Results Are Absolutely Possible for You (And You See Actual Proof)...

Choosing Not to Take Action Now May Lead to...

Staring into the fridge (or surfing the Internet) at 3:33 AM, unable to sleep because part of you knows you desperately need help and another part of you is afraid to ask for it even though you KNOW that not asking means you'll keep getting the same results.

Here's What A Lot of Students Tell Us About Their Businesses Before They Start. Do Any of These Situations Apply to You?

  • No matter how hard you work you always feel like you’re in feast or famine mode. You’re tired of just “scraping by” 
  • Your spouse (or family) keeps calling your jewelry business a silly-hobby and you’re not feeling supported AT ALL in pursuing your dream
  • People admire your jewelry but you’re often told things like… “it’s too expensive” or “I can make that myself” and you’re annoyed AF
  • You’re overwhelmed and feel like you're spinning your wheels and quite frankly you’re ready to stop stressing out.
  • You keep doing “all the things” for online sales but for some reason you get little to no traffic, inquiries or sales on your website 
  • You feel awkward at selling jewelry at shows and turning a compliment into a sale is terrifying.
  • As hard as you try, you struggle with what to write, do or say when it comes to talking about your jewelry (so you don’t do anything)
  • You’re tired of working a soul-sucking day job and you want to replace your full-time (or part-time) 5 or 6 figure income doing something you’re passionate about
  • You’re ready for a plan so it’s EASY to understand how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together so that you feel a sense of accomplishment and financial security

I Believe Something Brought You Here Today

Because Thousands of Jewelry Designers & Makers Have Applied The Proven Systems, Strategies, and Tactics inside of “Laying The Foundation”

to Generate Consistent, Predictable Sales

Here's What Some Of Our Students Had to Say After Taking Laying The Foundation

"If you're thinking about taking this course, there's nothing left to think about. Absolutely. It's going to be the best investment you can make for your business. And the cherry on top of it all is becoming part of the Diamond Insiders Group on Facebook where everyone is so supportive. You can ask any question, and there are people there who are more than willing to help and just cheer you on. So please do consider Laying the Foundation."

Carolyn Hasset

By Carolyn Dunn


"I needed a compass that would get me to where it is that I wanted to go with my business and I believe that Laying The Foundation has been exactly that. I have been revisiting this program time over time again in order to course correct and go to where it is that I want to go. "

Vicky Garmiri

"On my second year, I had a total of $42,000 in sales. So for me that was a total success. Last year I had a total sales of $45,499 and I'm looking forward for this year to reach $60,000."

Maruja Leanos

Mannaz Designs

Having watched or read those, you may be wondering
how you can get similar results…

The Only Thing Standing Between Where You Are NOW And Where You Want to Be Is Something Called The Desired Brand Effect™

The Desired Brand Effect™ is at the core of all of our programs, and here’s why...

In today’s saturated jewelry market, the jewelry brands that “stand out” know how to build desire and demand for their jewelry. They connect with their audience on an emotional level and understand the real reasons their DREAM clients buy jewelry from them.

Because they have a brand story and a brand journey that puts their customers first, they easily attract and collect true fans who buy from them every season.


What Happens When a Jewelry Designer or Maker Puts The "The Desired Brand Effect" to Work For Their Brand?

Marketing becomes practically effortless, selling becomes fun, and DREAM customers feel strongly attracted to their jewelry.


Plus, when they delve into how the Desired Brand Effect Methodology works, their business stops running the show, and they are finally able to retake control of their business (instead of the business controlling them).

Are YOU ready to do the same for your business?

Just Imagine a Future Where All The Work You Do Supports Your Goals, Your Dreams, and Your Aspirations?


How do you go from where you are to that place? I have the answer.

I 100% understand what it’s like being in your position: feeling completely overwhelmed, cash strapped and frustrated. I’ve been through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows building TWO jewelry businesses.

I’ve Had to Pass Through the “Growth Phase" You’re in Right Now Not Once, But Twice!

It’s not an easy phase to be stuck in - I get it. But you can get through it, just like I did.  

During the low times (which I’ll share with you in a minute) I used to always say: I wish someone would just tell me exactly what to do to “grow” my business. 

I wished I’d realized how valuable investing in my success was. 

How do I know?


During the Process of Selling Over $8,000,000 in Jewelry Sales, Without a Business Partner or Investor, I Had to Solve A LOT of Problems...

And regardless of whether you want to “go big or go home” with your business or focus on building a “small and mighty” business that supports your lifestyle, I can tell you one thing - there are a lot of things you have to figure out and get right to make it all work.

You can either figure those things out on your own with a LOT of trial and error. Or, you can learn from the industry leaders in jewelry sales and marketing education who have already done it (which will save you a lot of time and a lot of stress).

A lot of coaches and industry leaders will ONLY share their successes with you (not their failures).

That can leave you feeling like there is something “special” about them and that you may not have what it takes...

The truth is, success in our industry has less to do with talent and “special” skills and almost everything to do with your willingness to implement what works and take action in the face of fear.

Knowing what works is the result of experience, so let me share mine...

Now let’s get to the real hardships - the stuff that nobody wants to talk about (TBH I don’t even really want to talk about it but it will help you understand that growing a business isn’t all wine and roses)...

Yes, I’m talking about the stuff that nobody likes to share, but should. 

If more people shared this kind of stuff, you’d realize pretty quickly that you are stronger and more resilient than you know, and that you absolutely have what it takes to succeed.




Toby Went From Single Digit Sales on Etsy to Quitting Her Day Job

Laying the Foundation is a requirement to set your business (and yourself) up for success! Before Laying the Foundation, I’d only sold 3 or 4 pieces and I was only making a few hundred bucks. Now, I’m am doing so well, that I quit my full-time job to focus 100% on my jewelry business! I love the lifetime access so I can go back and revisit the information anytime I need a refresher. I’d definitely recommend Laying the Foundation if you’re serious about building a jewelry business. I have ZERO regrets investing in the program even though it was a big financial stretch for me at the time.

- Toby Myles, Ride Like a Girl Designs

Nicole Went From Extreme Burnout to Increasing Her Sales 200%!

I’ve been in the jewelry business since high school. After years owning a retail store, then working for another jeweler, I was burned out. I knew I needed a change, so I quit my job and started pursuing my business full time. That’s when I signed up for Laying the Foundation. Before LTF, I was making $2000/month. The year I took the course, I made $35K. The next year, I more than doubled my sales, bringing in $75K. Laying the Foundation is a fantastic resource for solo-designers who want to make sales and live a better life.

- Nicole Gariepy, FantaSea Jewelry


Here’s what my emotional rollercoaster looked like...

  • I was completely overwhelmed and stressed out most of the time because I literally had ZERO clues about running a business (and I was too proud to ask for help).
  • I felt emotionally unsupported - one day I came home and my (now ex) husband told me “you have to get a real job” and there was no way in H#LL that I was going back to my retail job.
  • I avoided doing things like sales because the fear of rejection was completely overwhelming.
  • I felt ashamed that I didn’t understand the finances so instead of learning or asking for help, I avoided dealing with the numbers.
  • I often underpriced my jewelry JUST so I could make a sale. That caused painful cash flow issues and credit card debt that limited how fast I could grow.
  • I knew I had what it took and I was passionate AF about making that kept a fire under my bootay to keep on trucking even though I didn’t have the answers...and it was HARD.
  • I had many sleepless nights, in tears, fighting to make things work. I eventually did, but not without paying a “heavy emotional cost.”

I can confidently say that if you are reading this right now, and at least one of those situations rings true, you’re in the right place.

🙌🏼 The Universe has brought us together for a reason. 🙌🏼

That’s why I want to share some of my massive failures (err lessons) with you because they taught me a lot.

  • My first business was built like a house of cards that wasn’t set up to handle serious financial set-backs or to survive major changes in the economy
  • When the Great Recession (or “GFC”) hit in 2008, my business, that in the previous year had net sales of close to $1 million, was completely wiped out in a single month.
  • That led to me making a hard decision to fight for what I’d built or close my business. I chose the latter and was forced to file for bankruptcy.
  • The massive emotional devastation and financial stress caused serious health problems. I was losing my hair, losing weight, smoking (I’m not a smoker) and I developed a series of stress-induced conditions, including a thyroid issue. 😭
tracy 2

Now it wasn’t all bad because I learned
how to be a bad-ass….

Despite all of the self-doubt, set-backs and downright failures, I had some pretty AWESOME successes...

  • I’ve sold over $8 million dollars worth of jewelry over my career.
  • My collections have been sold in over 350 of the best specialty and retail stores around the world including Anthropologie, Sundance Catalog, Bloomingdales and Harvey Nichols.
  • Celebrities like Charlize Theron, Jessica Alba, Orlando Bloom and Michelle Williams have all been spotted buying and wearing my jewelry (and Revlon recently commissioned me to design a 20th anniversary gift for Halle Berry).
  • Nearly 48 Media Outlets, TV shows, Movies and Magazines have repeatedly featured my jewelry and story over the years, including InStyle, Lucky, The Today Show, and Entrepreneur.
  • I landed a segment on QVC where I reached a mass audience and sold my jewelry live on TV (twice).
  • When I built my second jewelry business, I applied the lessons I learned and created the Desired Brand Effect™. Now, I have a low-maintenance, very part-time business that brings in multiple 6-figures in profit (not just revenue) with just me behind the wheel.

As Seen In…


Are you ready to

turn your jewelry business dreams into your daily reality?

If so, join me and thousands of other independent jewelry designers and makers to implement the Desired Brand Effect™ in your business. Attract the kind of consistent sales and exposure that will bust the feast or famine mode so you can support your ideal lifestyle.



What is it?

Laying the Foundation (aka) is our signature program 10-week virtual program designed to help you build desire and demand for your jewelry brand by attracting the right exposure and clients.

Who’s it for?

Laying the Foundation is for independent jewelry designers and makers who desire to have a full-time or part-time business that makes 5- or 6-figures in revenue.


 It’s perfect for people who have not crossed the 6-figure in annual sales mark yet.

Where does it happen?

Laying the Foundation program is delivered online so that you can participate virtually from anywhere. 

We deliver video, audio, worksheets,  tools, templates, checklists and cliffs notes, and a Facebook community. 

You complete the program online on your own time. 

How does it work?

The LTF program is perfectly paced. You watch the videos (or listen to audio) and implement the action items on your own time. You start getting results as quickly as you begin to implement and test. 

When does it start?

Laying the Foundation starts as soon as you enroll in the program. Ask questions in our Diamond Insiders Facebook Community, follow the process and get results.

Why does it exist?

We created Laying the Foundation because there is a lot of confusion and misinformation about how to grow your sales and profitability. Most creative types are clueless about where to start. We’ve designed this program to deliver a step-by-step system that has worked for thousands of students. 


"I’m now receiving calls on a weekly basis for pieces that I’ve created, most of which are originals and no longer duplicates of the same design. My web traffic has also increased to a hundred plus hits every month. I have doubled my sales and I’ve added new clientele."


Wyoming Angels


"My business has grown dramatically since joining Flourish & Thrive and taking classes. My sales have doubled since 2016."

Estelle Vernon

Estelle Vernon Designs

Here’s What’s Waiting For You

When You Join...


We’ll walk you through the foundation of building your Desired Sharing Proposition™ and a strong brand story that creates an authentic connection and sells without you working so hard.  

You’ll clarify exactly who your DREAM clients are so you can stop wasting time chasing the wrong customers and take one step closer to developing brand advocates who become customers for life.

Finally, you’ll dial in your BEST business model based on your goals so that you can focus on the things that really matter for growth in your business.

  • The Difference Between an Irresistible vs. Ignored Brand
  • Define Your Desired Sharing Proposition
  • Uncovering Your Why
  • DREAM Client Clarity
  • Creating Desire With Your Brand Story
  • Creating Emotional Experiences
  • Writing a Compelling About Page
  • 5 Questions to Save Yourself from Your Business
  • Choosing the Right Business Model Part 1 
  • Choosing the Right Business Model Part 2 
  • Setting & Achieving Goals that Support Your Vision
  • Committing to Yourself & What You Desire

Trainings: 12



The Complete LTF System
including videos, audios, slides, transcripts, and worksheets

Video Cliff Notes 
instant access to a summary of each video with your next action steps

20+ Trainings, Cheat Sheets & Checklists
to ensure that you’re taking action on what you are learning

Done-for-you Sales, Marketing and PR Scripts
these will save you the headache of figuring it all out the hard way!

100% Online Learning 
(+ mobile friendly) you can learn on the go and review the material anytime you need a refresher




While you’re taking the program, we’d love to get you additional support from our community and coaches. The Diamond Insiders is our mentorship community that’s led by our Flourish & Thrive “Certified” Coaches to support our ongoing community.

You’ll have access to:

  • Mentorship from our Flourish & Thrive Coaches
  • Monthly Office Hours to Answer Your Questions
  • Accountability to Implement and Get Fast Results
  • Immediate Feedback to Your Questions Inside the Facebook Group

You’ll have access for ONE YEAR when you invest in Laying the Foundation. This community is so good that most of our students choose to continue (at a special monthly rate available to Laying the Foundation Members).

Valued at $595




Most creatives are a mess when it comes to systematizing their businesses. Even if they know they need systems to streamline their results, they make excuses about why they don’t do it and avoid creating them. Systems to Scale 101 is a high-impact, simple to implement graduation bonus that will help you shortcut the stress of documenting your systems (aka your way of doing things) and help you scale your efforts.

You’ll have access to:

  • Flourish & Thrive Systems Organizer 
  • Simple Systems Creation for Creatives
  • The 9 Systems You Need to Scale 

You’ll be so excited to remove the guesswork and finally be in a place to be 100% more creative and productive. Plus, you’ll be set up to hire a Virtual Assistant or team member if and when the time is right. 

Valued at $495


Naturally, we’re a little biased because I’ve seen the results and I know LTF rocks, but you may be curious as to what some of our LTF students have to say.

Meet Melissa, Allison, and Ana.

Melissa's jewelry store is making $10,000+ every month and she quit her full-time job


I started with a full-time job and a jewelry-making hobby. Fast forward 9 months- I was making enough profit to quit my full-time job and move my production from my dining room table to my professional design/office space. 

Before Laying the Foundation, I had exactly 32 paying customers. Since taking LTF, I'm over 8,000 paying customers and 34.6K followers on Instagram. I now run a successful jewelry business that consistently makes more than 5 figures monthly and best of all, I get to work doing what I love.

- Melissa Camilleri, Shop Compliment

Allison used to HATE sales—now wholesalers are saying "yes" after one visit


Before taking the course, I had on my vision board "find the perfect sales person," because I hated sales so much. Since the course, I reached out to three local stores for wholesale opportunities and two of them said yes to my line after one visit to their stores. I now feel excited, and realized that *I* am that perfect sales person I was trying to manifest on my vision board. 

- Allison Gemmel LaFramboise, Prasada Jewelry

Ana 10x-ed her sales and completely stopped doing trade shows


A bout with breast cancer forced me to cancel a majority of my shows last year. I am happy to say I ended my year within $1000 gross sales of the previous year while taking back all of my weekends. Plus, instead of spending my weekends at markets, I focused on my website and it ROCKED this year! Instead of 3 web sales a month in the $60-$100 range, I averaged 3 web sales a day in the $300-600 range during the holidays! 

- Ana Maria Andricain, Jewel Of Havana


The information you receive in this program is the equivalent of hiring a consultant like Tracy or Robin for 12-18 months. We deliver this exceptional value at a fraction of customary consulting fees which would be upwards of $2000 a month or approximately $24,000 annually.


We created Laying the Foundation

for designers like you who don’t want to feel trapped by having to run the business while not getting the sales results you deserve.

Instead, we will show you how to come from a place of service and make sales naturally using what we call the Sharing Economy method.

We show you how to implement "The Desired Brand Effect" into your business so your clients become your raving fans, telling your story and practically selling your jewelry for you.

So that you have more time to spend with the people that matter most to you, knowing you have the right mentors by your side, and getting back to your zone of genius of designing and being creative.

We Designed This Program With Your

Valuable Time in Mind

We know exactly what it feels like to have a million things to do and not enough time in the day. That’s why we designed Laying the Foundation to help you cut through the noise and fast-track your results with action-steps that work.


This program is comparable to 12-18 months of private consulting which can run anywhere from $2,000-$5,000 a month from top tier consultants like our founder, Tracy Matthews, and her Co-Founder, Robin Kramer.

Here’s everything you get when you join
Laying The Foundation today

(Valued at $15,890)

  • The Complete 10-Week Laying the Foundation System 
  • Video Cliff’s Notes
  • 20+ Exercises, Cheat Sheets and Checklists
  • Done-For-You Sales, Marketing and PR Scripts
  • Private Classroom Environment
  • 100% Virtual Online Learning on Mobile and Desktop
  • Bonus Module - Mastering Social Media & Your Online Presence. (Included) 
  • Bonus Module - Systems to Scale 101 Templates, Organizer and Training ($495 Value)
  • Bonus Mentoring + Support - 1-Year Complimentary Access to Private Diamond Insiders Mentorship Community. ($595 Value) 
  • Feedback on Your Business - Monthly Office Hours with Desired Brand Coaches and Mentors. (Included) 

Plus! Lifetime Access

Most programs don’t offer access after the course is over. Unlike many programs, we want you to use Laying the Foundation as a Reference Tool and that’s why we offer lifetime access to the content and materials. Learn at your own pace and keep the material for life.


Special Pay in Full bonus

AND, if you say yes today and pay in full,
we'll throw in two more amazing bonuses just for you!

The High-Converting Website Blueprint!

This is your step-by-step blueprint for creating a website that converts into $$!

Lots of designers think of their website as “one and done.” Something you build and then leave it alone.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Following this method, you’re continually testing, tweaking, improving and discovering what your customers love (and what they don’t love)!

VALUE $695

LTF – Magazine Feature Mockup V01

Canva Email Marketing Template

Email Marketing is a MUST in today’s economy. Typically, design and implementation is the bottleneck to sending out consistent weekly emails to your list. Use these Canva templates and plug them into your email marketing CRM for “on the fly” email marketing that converts to sales.

VALUE $395

F&T – LTF Mockup


Pay Monthly

6 payments of $398
  • ​Lifetime Access to The Complete Laying the Foundation Core Program ($15,890 Value)
  • Done-For-You Sales, Marketing and PR Scripts (INCLUDED!)
  • Bonus Module - Mastering Social Media & Your Online Presence (INCLUDED!)
  • Bonus Module - Systems to Scale 101 Templates, Organizer and Training ($495 Value)
  • Bonus Mentoring + Support - 1-Year Complimentary Access to Private Diamond Insiders Mentorship Community ($595 Value)
  • Feedback on Your Business - Monthly Office Hours with Desired Brand Coaches and Mentors (Included)
  • Total Value: $19,539

Pay in Full

Single payment of $1,995
  • ​Lifetime Access to The Complete Laying the Foundation Core Program ($15,890 Value)
  • Done-For-You Sales, Marketing and PR Scripts (INCLUDED!)
  • Bonus Module - Mastering Social Media & Your Online Presence (INCLUDED!)
  • Bonus Module - Systems to Scale 101 Templates, Organizer and Training ($495 Value)
  • Bonus Mentoring + Support - 1-Year Complimentary Access to Private Diamond Insiders Mentorship Community ($595 Value)
  • Feedback on Your Business - Monthly Office Hours with Desired Brand Coaches and Mentors (Included)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: High Converting Website Blueprint - A step-by-step blueprint to turn your website into a cash machine. ($695 Value)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: Canva Email Marketing Templates - Done-for-You email marketing templates to plug and play into your email CRM. ($395 Value)
  • Total Value: $19,539



Andrea Went From a ZERO Profits to Selling Out Collections

Before joining Laying the Foundation, my business was directionless, expensive and not turning a profit. I was referred to Flourish & Thrive Academy by a friend in my stone setting class. Even though my sales were slow, I was determined to invest in the program. After taking LTF and applying what I’ve learned, I launched my e-commerce website and I’m selling out of my collections every season. During the course, I learned about private label design and I recently launched and landed 6 stockists before my formal outreach campaign.

Laying the Foundation is a great  fit for any designer ready to get serious about turning their hobby into a real business or taking their existing business to the next level.

- Andrea Li, Andrea Li Designs

Ana Maria Went From Broadway Star to Jewelry Business Success

Before Laying the Foundation I had, what I felt, was a pretty successful business. I was a Broadway actress and jewelry making was my backstage hobby. My husband got an amazing job opportunity in Baton Rouge, so I quit Broadway and went full-time in my jewelry biz.

Laying the Foundation was a game changer for me. I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to replace my Broadway salary, but within 6 months of taking LTF, I did! I doubled my income JUST from the pricing modules alone! I recommend LTF to all of my jewelry designer friends. It's great for designers who are just starting out, who’ve been making jewelry for a while, and those who’ve reached a plateau. If you’re ready to get to your next level, LTF will help you get there!

- Ana Maria, Jewel Of Havana Handcrafted Jewelry



As always, we want you to be COMPLETELY SATISFIED with our Laying the Foundation course. That’s why we offer a no-risk, money-back guarantee. Try it out for three weeks! If you do the work, show us your results and you are still not satisfied, we’ll refund your money. *Must ask for refund within three weeks of course beginning.

These Jewelry Designers & Makers Decided to Give LTF a Try...

"The direction and the care that I've got through this course is something that I actually cannot even begin to explain. "

Kevin Friedman

"Its a good thing that I had just started my business when I bought the course, because it forced me to look at things like my dream client and specific ways of directing my brand that I don’t think I would have gotten to for a very long time if I had done things organically. "

Heidi Valles

Flesh Leaf Metals


You might be thinking, “Those are great results, Tracy, but that won’t work for me because my situation is unique!” How can this work for me?


We only work with aspiring, independent jewelry designers and makers who take full responsibility for their success and results. This program is perfectly suited for brands that are serious about growing a profitable business, who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do the work, and realize that there is no easy button

Laying the Foundation is designed to help you reduce stress and the overwhelming feelings that keep you from moving forward. The program is perfectly-paced to help you speed up your results and take time to work ON your business instead of just IN your business. At the end, you’ll be in control of your business and feel a huge sense of accomplishment knowing that you’re on the right track and you’re on track to financial security and stability as an artist.

This program is perfect for people who...

  • Want to launch and grow a real business that makes consistent sales and earns a profit
  • Are feeling completely overwhelmed, unfocused and lack direction in their business and would like to regain confidence and clarity by taking the right actions
  • Are coachable and love learning and implementing strategies that speed up their results
  • Value their time (and themselves) enough to know that investing and implementing a proven system (instead of spinning their wheels) will help them reach their goals more quickly
  • Are ambitious yet haven’t cracked the code to crossing that consistent sales of 4 to 5 figures in monthly revenue (and 6 figures annually)
  • Take responsibility for their success, crave accountability, and want a kick in the pants to move in the right direction
  • Are at a crossroads and have to make their business work with a solid plan where they can easily reach their goals

This program is not for people who...

  • Are only interested in having a jewelry hobby and have no plan of selling their designs
  • Who have mastered the business and have a crystal clear direction of where they are going and the confidence to do it alone
  • Aren’t open to learning new ways to work and say things like: “that won’t work for me” or “I already know that”
  • Aren’t willing to invest in their business and prefer spending their time doing research, googling or doing the same things over and over while getting the same lack-luster results
  • Are consistently making 5 or 6 figure sales every month in their business.
  • Don’t take full responsibility for their results and blame others when things don’t go their way
  • Have mastered their business plan and keep growing every year

Investing in your business might feel scary…. I get it…

Check out this story from Toby who was also scared to invest. 

Toby Went From Single Digit Sales on Etsy to Quitting Her Day Job

Laying the Foundation is a requirement to set your business (and yourself) up for success! Before Laying the Foundation, I’d only sold 3 or 4 pieces and I was only making a few hundred bucks. Now, I’m am doing so well, that I quit my full-time job to focus 100% on my jewelry business! I love the lifetime access so I can go back and revisit the information anytime I need a refresher. I’d definitely recommend Laying the Foundation if you’re serious about building a jewelry business. I have ZERO regrets investing in the program even though it was a big financial stretch for me at the time.

- Toby Myles, Ride Like a Girl Designs

Here are a few more stories

(I’ll bet you might even see yourself in some of them)...

"I raised my prices between 30 and 50% and I continue selling without problem. I'm very sure now it's worth it. My sales have increased 20%!"

Gisela Clemens

Designs by Gisela Clemens


"After taking Laying the Foundation the first time, and I've done it three times now and I'm planning on doing it again, I would say that my business probably doubled, reliably doubled the very first time I took it."

Ann Sanicola

Sanicola Designs


"I'm all for Laying the Foundation and let me just say this, it'll help build your confidence as a business person, as a maker, and just as a person all around."

Dawn DiGesare



Pay Monthly

6 payments of $398
  • ​Lifetime Access to The Complete Laying the Foundation Core Program ($15,890 Value)
  • Done-For-You Sales, Marketing and PR Scripts (INCLUDED!)
  • Bonus Module - Mastering Social Media & Your Online Presence (INCLUDED!)
  • Bonus Module - Systems to Scale 101 Templates, Organizer and Training ($495 Value)
  • Bonus Mentoring + Support - 1-Year Complimentary Access to Private Diamond Insiders Mentorship Community ($595 Value)
  • Feedback on Your Business - Monthly Office Hours with Desired Brand Coaches and Mentors (Included)
  • Total Value: $19,539

Pay in Full

Single payment of $1,995
  • ​Lifetime Access to The Complete Laying the Foundation Core Program ($15,890 Value)
  • Done-For-You Sales, Marketing and PR Scripts (INCLUDED!)
  • Bonus Module - Mastering Social Media & Your Online Presence (INCLUDED!)
  • Bonus Module - Systems to Scale 101 Templates, Organizer and Training ($495 Value)
  • Bonus Mentoring + Support - 1-Year Complimentary Access to Private Diamond Insiders Mentorship Community ($595 Value)
  • Feedback on Your Business - Monthly Office Hours with Desired Brand Coaches and Mentors (Included)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: High Converting Website Blueprint - A step-by-step blueprint to turn your website into a cash machine. ($695 Value)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: Canva Email Marketing Templates - Done-for-You email marketing templates to plug and play into your email CRM. ($395 Value)
  • Total Value: $19,539

If You Feel or Even KNOW Laying The Foundation Is What Your Business Needs Right Now, But Something Is Stopping You, Consider This...

There are two primary fears that can stop you from doing what you know you need to do.

The first fear is the fear that the program won’t work. That fear comes from the natural skepticism we have that prevents people from taking advantage of us. 

If this was a new program with no success stories, it would be a valid fear.  However, LTF is not a new program and we’ve had thousands of successful students

So let’s talk about the second fear that can prevent you from investing into the very solution you’ve been searching for

I’m talking about the paralyzing fear that even if the program works, you won’t do the work (or that it won’t work for you). That can either be an irrational fear or a fear based on past experiences. That is exactly why we include six months of coaching with Laying the Foundation and why we focus on mindset in week 5 of the program.


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

- Mark Twain

The Only Way To Grow is By Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone and Doing the Work to Make a Change!

I get it, you might still have more questions…..

Listen to some of our students discussing their experience with laying the foundation...

"If it weren't for Flourish & Thrive, I don't think I'd be where I am with my business. It has given me the confidence to price my jewelry at the proper cost or price."

Denise Kubler

DK Originals Jewelry


"Going on four years now and my sales have increased from $8,000 when I was first loping along to, I think we made about 20K this year, and that's just from five accounts."

Tisha Abrahamsen

Andre Glass Jewelry


Laying the Foundation is the Kick-in-the-Pants You Need to Catapult Your Success!

Please don’t mistake my passion for helping you and my total confidence that Laying the Foundation can help you for pushiness. From time to time, all of us (including me) need a little kick-in-the-pants so we can realize that our fears are imaginary but the future we desire doesn’t have to be - all we have to do is take action and follow a path that’s proven to work.  So let’s get started...

Listen to some of our students discussing their experience with laying the foundation...




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While we provide high-quality educational content designed to empower and educate that has helped over 9000 jewelry designers and makers, the ultimate success of any student in applying these principles is contingent upon their effort, motivation, and application of the material. The average person who purchases any "how-to" information gets little to no results (often as a result of putting in little to no effort). Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your experience and work ethic.

All business endeavors involve risk and require consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please do not purchase from us at this time. When you are ready to do the work and take the risk, we'd love to help you.

We make no guarantees regarding the level of success you may experience, and we are not responsible for any of your actions. All information provided is for educational and informational purposes only. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals when attempting any lifestyle change or business or financial endeavor.