Marketing Makeover Masterclass
Discover the Secrets that the Creative Makers You Admire Already Know... and Create a Financially Secure, Algorithm-Proof Online Business That Grows Consistently - All Year Long!
Date: Wednesday, April 28
Time: 2pm Eastern / 11am Pacific
How to Use Proven Online Marketing Strategies to Set Your Business Up to Thrive
(Regardless of What’s Going on in the Economy or the World).
In This Masterclass You'll Learn:
How to Create Marketing That Magnetizes Your Dream Audience - Confused about what to do, when to do it, and what to say? Our goal is to make building a profitable online business easier and more enjoyable.
The Key to Ditching the “Busy Work” That’s Keeping You Stuck and Time-Starved - Use my Do, Ditch, Delegate strategy and reduce overwhelm NOW.
The Single Most Effective Strategy to Move You Toward Your Online Sales Goals - I’ll teach you the “Golden Rule” of online marketing so that you only create content that builds your audience and keeps them loyal for the long haul.
The Most Powerful Way to Algorithm Proof Your Business - Tired of getting slow sales on social and feeling like you’re getting nowhere fast? You’ll discover how to take control of your platforms so that you have repeat paying customers who buy from you every season.
My Super Fast Marketing Makeover Hack to Save Time and Reduce Creative Fatigue - Struggling with consistency in your marketing? I’ll show you a fast way to create a month's worth of content in a few hours. No more stressing out about what to post. It’s handled!
Is Any of the Following True for You?

2020 Shook Up Your Biz in Major Ways
...and you realize you’re at a crossroads. There’s no more time for excuses and flying by the seat of your pants. You’ve got to figure this out NOW. Your livelihood (and your sanity) depend on you making this work.

What Used to Work Isn’t Working Anymore
You’re working yourself into the ground and still not getting any further. It’s time to stop grinding and start scaling. Want to earn 5 or 6+ figures online and be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor? If so, something’s gotta give!

You Want to Set Your Biz Up for Forever Success
You’re ready to go all-in create a business that’s successful year in and year out - regardless of what’s going on in the world. You want 2021 to become known as the year that changed everything… in your business and your life!
Found yourself nodding your head? If so, you can’t afford to miss this masterclass!
If that makes you want to simultaneously breathe a huge sigh of relief and do a happy dance -- this free live masterclass is the way to make it happen.
And I’m doing something extra special for the go-getters who show up to the masterclass LIVE.
It’s only available to people who show up LIVE to the masterclass, so save your spot below and set a reminder to join us LIVE to make sure you get it!
A Personal Note from Your Teacher, Tracy:
Here’s something about me you should know: I live and breathe entrepreneurship - especially when it comes to making and selling physical products like jewelry, ceramics, textiles, handbags, and more.
And I’ve been at it for a while. 25 years, in fact!
With over $8 million dollars in jewelry sales since the 90s, I know a thing or two about building a profitable business.
I know what it takes to scale a company to 6+ and 7+ figures annually. Not only did I do it with my own businesses, but I have helped thousands do the same in their businesses.
I also know what it’s like to do it wrong.
There was a time when I had -$2.02 in my bank account… and payroll was due the very next day. Saying that was not fun would be an understatement.
To tell you the truth, even though it was a long time ago, it’s still embarrassing to admit. But it was part of my journey… and I’m so glad that I’ve learned how to NEVER be in that position again!
I wouldn’t wish my business lows on my worst enemy. Which is why I do what I do to help people just like you learn from my mistakes and reach heights that you may be thinking are impossible.

My coaches and I are committed to your success!
Over the past 8 years, we’ve helped over 8,100 jewelers, makers, and creative product brands build businesses that create financial security for themselves and their families.
More importantly, we’ve helped them implement holistic systems and strategies that build businesses that can not only survive in any economy -- but THRIVE!
This masterclass is the culmination of what we KNOW works so you can stop grinding and start scaling.
When you create the Desired Brand Effect™️ in your business, you’ll experience greater financial security, a constant sense of accomplishment, and a newfound feeling of control over your outcomes.
Tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed, overworked, underpaid, and frustrated?
If so, this masterclass is the answer to your prayers and meditations. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. Don’t ignore it!
I look forward to supporting you in your journey!
xo Tracy
Community Stories:

“F&TA has been a complete game changer for me! Their support, business tools, marketing resources and community are an invaluable resource to help my biz Flourish & Thrive.”
Andrea Li
Andrea Li Designs

“Before discovering Flourish and Thrive Academy, my business was barely surviving, sales were stagnant, and Ii felt alone and unsure what to do about it. I had no idea how other designers of fashion jewelry "made it”. Finding F&TA has given me exactly what I need to build a successful jewelry brand!”
Tisha Abrahmsen
Andrea Glass

“Before F&TA my work and my efforts to grow my brand were all over the place. I’m now confident I can achieve ANYTHING I want for myself and my business! ”
Toby Myles
Ride Like A Girl Designs
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