You might be wondering how uncertainty will affect your business....
Change is the only thing you can count on these days and that’s why you need to pivot and lean into your strengths or, what we call, your "Brilliance Factor!"
Screen times are at an all time HIGH and people are shopping online more than ever.
Whether you’re in start up mode or scaling up, now is the time to harness your strengths and use them to meet your customers where they are.
Take the 45-second quiz and you’ll get...
A customized guide based on your specific brilliance factor
3 steps to take NOW to grow your digital footprint and buyers
Plus, instant access to curated resources for your next level of success [what to do after the World returns to normal]

Who I Am and Why You Should Listen to Me:
Hi There, I’m Tracy Matthews. I’ve been a jewelry designer for over 25 years and have sold over $7 million in jewels over the years! During this masterclass, I’m going to share with you the exact steps I took to go from burned out and eating Barilla pasta to inspired and taking Italian vacations!
I’m going to share the mindset issues I had that were killing my creativity, filling my day with mindless work, and making me question if I’d ever make money as a designer. The good news is, YOU don’t have to get caught in these roadblocks, you can learn from me and skip the years of stress and struggle. If you’re searching for ways to spend less time working and more time creating, I got your back.
As Seen In:

“F&TA has been a complete game changer for me! Their support, business tools, marketing resources and community are an invaluable resource to help my biz Flourish & Thrive. ”
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