It’s Time to Take Your Trunk Show Virtual!
FREE GUIDE: 11 Ideas to Take Your Offline Events Online
Are you ready to sell more jewelry from home? Click below to download your free copy of the guide and start making more sales online with virtual trunk shows!

Art fairs, trunk, and trade shows have been cancelled left and right, and even when they do happen, the turnout of eager customers is pretty slim. With more people staying home and shopping online, as an industry we’ve had to experiment and evolve with the changing trends.
The good news is, just because folks are staying home, doesn’t mean they don’t want to buy! So, it’s time to meet your customers where they’re at and take your offline sales ONLINE with Virtual Trunk Shows.
In this guide, you’ll learn

- 11 of the most popular ways to create your own Virtual Trunk Show.
- Why each idea will not only “wow” your customers, but even help you make more sales than you normally would at an in-person event!
- Questions to ask yourself to help determine which type of Virtual Trunk
- Show is right for your jewelry or creative product business.
- Advice and insight from designers who’ve hosted their own successful
- Virtual Trunk Shows this year!
... And so much more!
We made this guide just for you!
Download your free copy of “11 Ideas to Take Your Offline Events Online with Virtual Trunk Shows” right now!

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