
Your Brilliance Factor…

You’re a Maker with the Mostest

You Make People’s Day Just By Doing What You Love!

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As a Maker with the Mostest…

Master maker, solder geek, wax wizard could all be your middle names.
You LOVE working with your hands and seeing an idea come to live through your talent on the bench. Makers gonna Make! Right?

You have creativity that is expressed in physical form and the world is a better place when you’re at the bench. You feel a huge sense of accomplishment seeing a piece go from concept to life!

Can I get a HECK YES!

Your inspiration comes from the materials you use, architecture and form.

Your hands are the vessel that bring these materials to life, and help carve the way to your creative soul.

Seeing your designs come to life is almost like a religion. Working with your hands is your meditation.

You’ve got an aesthetic and a signature style that comes alive in the materials. If you had a choice, making is your passion over building a business. It’s your little secret: you dream of hiring a sales rep so you can spend your days making.


Here’s how to use your

Maker with Mostest

to your benefit...



  • Continually learn new techniques to keep your skills sharp and help you evolve ideas and collections.
  • Tap into your signature style!
  • Remember that your creativity on the bench is your gift and a powerful tool to create cohesive collections.
  • Master your skills by finding simple bench hacks that can help you move and create faster.
  • Document how your pieces are made so you can eventually hire help on the bench to grow your business.



  • Talk frequently about what you do. Customers LOVE buying from the actual maker – it’s a known fact.
  • Refine and practice your elevator pitch. Get crystal clear on your “who, what and why.” Develop the story behind your brand.
  • Own your concepts and techniques. People are fascinated by YOU and all you can do.
  • Continually work the confidence muscle and ask for the sale (don’t wait for it).



  • As the CVO (Chief Visionary Officer), you design the creative direction and big picture vision of a company.
  • Empower yourself to start working on your business instead of just in it.
  • When you do, this will allow for two things:

1) Faster, sustained growth because you’re spending time planning for your success and creating the strategies that will get you there.

2) More control over your success. When you actually know where you’re going, you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment when you reach your goals.

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Hello M’dear,

I’m Tracy Matthews!

Before we go any further, introductions are in order. I’m a visionary, jewelry designer, podcaster and mentor to designers.

I live my life for delicious food and wine, karaoke and a little world travel ...oh yeah and my 19 nieces and nephews (no joke)!

I’ve been a jewelry designer (and a creative force of nature) for over 25 years. I’m grateful to have sold millions of dollars worth of my own jewelry designs throughout my career.

It makes me happy to see others enjoying their natural talents.

I believe that success requires 3 things: the right mindset, confidence and taking little actions every day that make a big splash!


Here are some ways we can help you now

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