#77 How to Transform Your "Story" into an Engaging About Page with Allison Morgan and Liz Read

Writing about yourself is never easy.
It’s hard to know what things to write about, how people will interpret it, and if your message will come across the way you intended it.
You know you’re supposed to tell people about your business, but doing it in a way that grabs someone’s attention seems impossible.
So…how do you talk about your work?
Every jewelry designer struggles with this at some point, I actually get questions about it all the time.
It’s extra tricky because your about page is not a stagnant piece of content, it changes along with your business.
This is what inspired me to invite Allison Morgan and Elizabeth Read, the mother-daughter duo from Charlotte Allison Refined Jewelry, for a live about page makeover!
Allison has been in the jewelry industry for about 20 years and actually retired before launching Charlotte Allison Refined Jewelry.
Her daughter, Liz Read, joined her to make her idea of interchangeable fine jewelry come to life.
They were so great to work with and you’re gonna learn so much from this episode!
Let’s get started!
Click here to download the show notes
Starting a Conversation with Your About Page
Writing how you would speak is an industry trend you definitely need to follow. It makes the reader feel a connection with you, it feels more personal. Stiff, overly professional writing is boring to read.
Using slang or even sentence fragments is totally okay! The goal here is to have the reader get a feel for your personality and convince them that you understand their needs/struggles.
Random Helps Them Relate To You
Little quirks or epic fails make you relatable, so don’t be afraid to share them with your customers! Your about page is a perfect place for this because the reader is already interested in your brand and now they want to learn about you.
Keeping the story relevant to your business, think of a time where you did something a little crazy to make things work. Maybe you sold your wedding dress to upgrade your tools or buy new castings. Your first designs may have been a complete miss, which motivated you to find your real signature style?
Bonding Over Core Values
Explaining your core values in your about page makes your dream clients connect with you on the deepest level. It shows them you care about the same thing they care about, and you actually started a business because of it.
Showing that level of commitment to values they share is dream client catnip, they can’t resist. This turns website visitors into brand advocates who can’t stop, and won’t stop talking about you!
Struggling with your brand story? Letting things slip with poor time management? Worried you aren’t getting enough sales? We cover all the essentials to get your business on track in our Laying the Foundation Live Course.
Click here to check out Laying the Foundation
xo, Tracy
Charlotte Allison Jewelry
Laying the Foundation