Your Brilliance Factor…
You’re an “Artiste” Through and Through
The World Is Your Muse Baby
Hello M’dear,
I’m Tracy Matthews!
Before we go any further, introductions are in order. I’m a visionary, jewelry designer, podcaster and mentor to designers.
I live my life for delicious food and wine, karaoke and a little world travel ...oh yeah and my 19 nieces and nephews (no joke)!
I’ve been a jewelry designer (and a creative force of nature) for over 25 years. I’m grateful to have sold millions of dollars worth of my own jewelry designs throughout my career.
It makes me happy to see others enjoying their natural talents.
I believe that success requires 3 things: the right mindset, confidence and taking little actions every day that make a big splash!

Here’s what other “Artistes” have done to grow and scale their jewelry business:
I want to tell you the story of a Jewelry Artist - her name is Mona.
Mona got her MFA in Jewelry Arts at California College of the Arts. She’s always been excellent with conceptualizing design and has a passion for modern art. Her MFA program didn’t teach her much about business and luckily she got an internship with a San Francisco designer while in college.
She learned so much about how to run a business the right way (and what not to do) which was never taught in her art program.
As a natural problem solver, she tapped into this quality to help troubleshoot new ways to sell jewelry (she knew that galleries were becoming tougher) while still positioning herself as an “Artiste” to be reckoned with.
She spent time building an audience and an email list online which helped build a solid following (and revenue) in addition to the galleries that represented her work.
The evolution in her body of work is solid and she built up the confidence to apply to the Smithsonian show – and she was accepted!
Be like Mona and be a creative problem solver. Your art needs to be seen! Remember: Creativity makes fantastic at business!
Next steps:
Your natural problem solving ability lends to many great things including growing a business.
Next level for an “Artiste” is all about building confidence, learning about marketing and sales, and setting up systems that allow you to grow.

Spend your time like a Business-ey Artist:
The biggest challenge for an “Artiste” is that since it’s all about the ART, the business gets pushed to the side at times. That’s fine if you don’t care about having a real business and you’d like to get a job or work for someone else.
However, if you’re serious about making a living with your art, you have to spend time working on the business side of things too. Spend at least two days a week putting on your business hat! Learn about the numbers and how pricing connects with your bottom line. If it bogs you down, make it a game.

Become a marketing and sales ninja:
M’dear. I hate to break it to you but the business is changing and relying JUST on galleries and museums to sell your work will leave you frustrated and broke. Always be marketing and selling your work.
Take courses, listen to podcasts and absorb everything you can about digital marketing like it’s your minor. Remember, revenue is the lifeblood of your business. Being a starving artist sounds sexy, but it’s not fun. A wealthy and thriving artist is a lot better, right?

Go for the BIG ask:
Building a museum, client and collector base is really important for an “Artiste” so make going for the ASK a part of your weekly strategy. Regularly reach out to collectors to share your new works. Customize works for them in elevated materials and price points.
Nurture gallery and museum relationships – real estate is tight so keep your space on the shelves refreshed and selling. You don’t need 1 million clients to sell lots of jewelry you just need a mix of great collectors, clients, museums and galleries who order regularly to keep cash consistent.

Move faster with systems in place:
Leaving room for innovation is awesome. Reinventing the wheel is not awesome. Document recurring tasks, production systems on the bench, FAQs, email scripts, and anything you use over and over again so you can easily share this with others. Have templates and swipe and go files that you can tweak a bit to maximize your time. Your time is precious!

Build your confidence muscle, daily:
Creativity is awesome! It can also kill our confidence if we let it. Focus on owning your talents daily. You are an amazing artist and good at business. Go for your dreams, write in a wins journal, meditate, state your affirmations daily, and take daily actions that help you reach your goals. Let’s break the starving artist myth together, shall we?
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