#88 How to Create a Marketing Plan for a Jewelry Promotion

Owning a jewelry business is FUN!
Being a jewelry designer, myself, I know as well as you…
There isn’t anything better than getting an email from a client gushing over the new piece they just bought!
It totally lights me up!
But don’t get me wrong…not everything is a walk in the park.
Even “successful” designers cringe at their to-do list sometimes!
If you’re anything like most designers, your devil is in the details!
Your head starts spinning at the word “marketing plan”
Well, never fear, m’dear!
I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to play the guessing game anymore!
Today on the show I’m leading you through a killer marketing plan for your next promotion.
Hit play to get the planning party started!
Click here to download the show notes

Always Start with Why
What are your desired outcomes? Figure out what you are going to offer for this Holiday or event. Think about why you’re choosing this offer for this specific event?
List out your goals. Choose a metric that you can look back on and measure your results. Track all the metrics before and after your promo. If you don’t have the numbers, you don’t know if your promotion met your goals!
Planning For Profit
I can’t tell you how many designers decide the day before Mother’s Day that they are going to run a promotion, then wonder why they sales fell flat.
Don’t let that be you!
Decide ahead of time what your offer will be. Think about the timeline of the promotion. Choose and create the content that speaks to your dream client! This holistic approach results in more sales and higher profits.
Mapping Your Marketing Calendar
Believe it or not, putting pen to paper really helps us creatives stick to a plan. If I don’t write something down… it’s not getting done! So just thinking about your promotion isn’t gonna cut it!
Write down the steps. Get it mapped out somewhere you can see it. Plan time for everything from taking photos to running Facebook Ads. It’s totally okay to give yourself reminders and even set alarms on your phone to keep you on track. Trust me, I wouldn’t survive without mine!
We love to give around here so…
If you want a breakdown of what I talked about on the show today, click the graphic to grab your Jewelry Promotion Cheat Sheet !
xo, Tracy
Jewelry Promotion Cheatsheet
Pretty Little Profits: The 5 Day Jewelry Promo Challenge
How to Find Your Dream Client FREE Training
Episode #83 Facebook Ads 101 for Jewelry Designers
Episode #57 Blogging Tips to Increase Traffic
Episode #44 Developing Blogger Partnerships
Jewelry Business Incubator