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Scale Your Jewelry Business For More Profits and More Freedom

Learn how successful jewelry owners think and act to achieve long-term, sustainable growth

Are you ready to scale the success you’ve been having? Now is the time to start getting super strategic and put systems in place so that your business can continue to grow without you actively working.

In this podcast roundup, you’ll gain insight from successful jewelry business owners on how to plan in advance, how to prepare NOW for new levels of growth, and how to pivot when things don’t go as expected.

EP 372: 3 Steps to Grow Your Business to 7-Figures

By Tracy Matthews

The reality of growing a 7-figure business may be a little different than you think. That’s because every time you up-level your business, you have…

EP371: The Top 3 Things You Need on Your Website for Better Sales Conversion

By Tracy Matthews

When you’re building a brand, you want to appear like you’re a 6-figure brand, even if you’re not. What I mean is, you want people…

EP370: The Automated Email Series That Boosts Sales for the Holidays

By Tracy Matthews

There is an automated marketing sequence that can help you increase your sales, sometimes up to 35-44%! That’s right, I’m talking about an abandoned cart…

EP369: Do I fight for it? Or close my jewelry business?

By Tracy Matthews

If you’re feeling unsure about your jewelry business, this one’s for you. A lovely designer recently sent me a DM asking, “Do I fight for…

EP368: How To Market Beyond Your Network With A Small Marketing Budget

By Tracy Matthews

If you’re a business owner with a really small marketing budget, you’re probably wondering, “How do I grow beyond my friends and family network?” Someone…

Bonus Episode: Tuesday Tip: Standing Out With Your Collection

By Tracy Matthews

When I was first starting out as a jewelry designer, I got rejected a lot. It’s an inevitable part of starting a jewelry business. You…

Bonus Episode: How to Always Have a Cycle of Sales Coming Into Your Business

By Tracy Matthews

If you’re struggling to establish a consistent cycle of sales in your business, you have to start thinking through the entire sales cycle. It’s unfortunately…

EP367: Why Your Sales Will Never Grow Beyond Your Mindset

By Tracy Matthews

People who successfully build thriving businesses have a completely different mindset from people who struggle continuously to see growth. I’ve talked to thousands of independent…

EP366: A Thriving Jewelry Store in an Economic Downturn?

By Tracy Matthews

How do you create growth during an economic downturn? That is the question of the hour. Well, if you're concerned about your jewelry business and…

EP365: How to Recover From Burnout and Get Back Into the Swing of Things

By Tracy Matthews

“How do I know if it’s time to shut down my business?” This is a scary question for small business owners, so when I saw…

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