Sales Amplifier Bootcamp – PPC

Are you a sales “starved” jewelry designer?

Discover the Proven Method to Book Consistent Sales Upwards of $10K a Month… in Just 2 Weeks!

(August 1st – August 15th)


Even if you are strapped for time or the thought of “putting yourself out there” makes you want to vomit or leaves you shaking in your (red cowboy) boots…

Especially if you can’t figure out why everyone says they “love” your jewelry but no one is buying (enough of) it…


Make More Sales!

You'll walk away from this FREE Bootcamp with:

  • A plan of attack to finally have enough sales to turn away those high maintenance clients.
  • Reduced anxiety and extreme confidence in your sales pitch
  • Perfect clarity about HOW to generate consistent sales, daily without (something about time).

Fearlessly Amplify Your Sales by Turning Lookey-Loos into Buyers and Never Worry about Getting Enough Exposure Again.

You are an artist. Designing and creating beautiful jewelry is your passion… plus you’re really good at it. But when it comes to making sales you are completely lost.

Maybe it scares you to put yourself out there. Your guts twist up when you have to talk about your jewelry to a potential customer. Are there words that you should say? Or shouldn’t say? How can you avoid feeling like a slimy salesperson?

Or maybe you love talking about your jewelry — and people love looking at it — but despite all the compliments, you rarely make any actual sales. Is it the prices? Is there something wrong with the design?

The fear, and the rejection and the frustration build up slowly. Soon you aren’t spending any time marketing and selling your work. You are spending your time tweaking your website or desperately trying to finish a new collection… maybe this one will sell?

The purpose of the Sales Amplifier Bootcamp is to crush those feelings of fear, self-doubt, and frustration. You are going to draw out the blueprint for a comprehensive sales system that works for YOUR business. And we are going to be with you, supporting you, every step of the way.

Are you ready?

Click the Button Below to Join F&TA’s Sales Amplifier Bootcamp NOW!

Tracy Matthews

Tracy Matthews is an eco-luxury jewelry designer specializing in bespoke engagement rings, wedding bands and heirloom redesign. Her mission is to help designers get their work on more DREAM clients and raving fans.


Robin Kramer

Robin Kramer is an independent sales and marketing consultant. She has an impressive history with leaders in the retail industry that have built their brands on innovative merchandising and strong service cultures.

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