We'll help you...


Over 9,000 Jewelry Brands Have Relied on Flourish & Thrive Academy to Start, Grow, and Scale Their Jewelry Businesses.

We Offer Proven & Tested Jewelry Business Courses, Coaching, and Consulting To Help You Achieve More In Less Time (With Fewer Mistakes And Less Overwhelm)

As seen In:

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Do You Own One Of The Four Types of Jewelry Businesses We Can Help Right Now?


Emerging Makers, and Designers who are growing their sales from $0 to 6-Figures

Ready to build a strong foundation that creates consistent, predictable sales, a cycle of repeat customers, and long term growth for your creative brand? Laying the Foundation can help


Jewelry Designers and Makers who are ready NOW to transition their offline business, online.

Leverage your existing audience and Train Your Customers to Buy from You Online. Discover the how to create amazing online experiences. We’re here to help you move a lot faster and create a pandemic + life proof business that thrives no matter what’s happening in the world.


Ambitious Brands that are ready to scale to Multiple 6-Figures with a Multi-Stream Business

Already have an established 6-Figure business? Discover how our Mentors and Experts can help you take the guesswork out of where to focus your energy so that you reach your goals a lot faster.


Offline Brick and Mortar Retailers who want to leverage the Power of Online Sales Events and E-Commerce

You are as UNIQUE as your business – Discover how our Team of Experts can help you reach your online goals with customized support to overcome your business challenges. Apply for a FREE Business Accelerator Audit today.

Put the Power of E-Commerce to Work So You Can Really Grow Your Jewelry Business.

Learning how to grow your business online can be hard (not to mention lonely). To make matters worse, failing to follow a profitable plan results in stress, anxiety, and overwhelm because you feel like you have to do everything just to make it all work.

But, there is a better, faster, and easier way.

Designers and makers who adopt the Desired Brand Effect Methodology™️ are experiencing significant growth in their online sales (some are even upwards of 430%). Plus, having a mentor and a community means you can learn what's working right now, make fewer mistakes, get the mentoring you need, and feel supported.

You deserve a business that enhances your life, not one that weighs you down.


The Flourish and Thrive Academy Provides


A Clear Plan of action

To get efficient systems in place and earn consistent, predictable sales.


Expert Coaches

In addition to the valuable content from our founders, we have coaches who specialize in the areas you need 1:1 help with.


A Trusted Community

Our community is made up of entrepreneurs just like you who are supporting each other in the program, in business, and in life.

Top-Rated Podcast for Jewelry and Aspirational Product Brands



Each week, I drop in-depth marketing strategies, interviews with experts and actionable insights straight to your earbuds. Spend more time in your creative genius so that you can grow your business quickly, spend more time doing what you love and less time doing busy work.

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Achieving Your Vision of Success Is Possible.

Here’s how we do it:



Choose Your Program

We offer different tiers to meet your needs. Select the one that works best for you.



Stop Wishing and Start Doing

We are excited to help you navigate this journey. Bring your ambition and you will get results quickly.



Enjoy Your Success

Reap the benefits of the commitment you made to yourself.

What People Are Saying

At Flourish and Thrive...

We know that you want a business that is pandemic and recession proof. One that thrives regardless of what’s happening in the world. Let’s face it, the way jewelry (and products) are sold has evolved and old-school tactics no longer work. In 2012, Tracy Matthews was on a mission to empower makers and designers to stay relevant and in front of their dream customers with current strategies that work – NOW.

You've built a business that you love; one that enhances your life, not one that weighs you down. And 2020 has shown you the value in including an online presence to propel you to the next level. We believe you can create a powerful digital experience for your customers and do so smoothly. Having a strong online presence is the way of the future, so if you haven’t been able to transition your offline retail experiences, live events, online, now is the time to start.

We know exactly what it's like to feel lost and not know who to turn to for help in taking your business to the next level. It sucks. That's why the Flourish and Thrive Academy was created- to help you avoid mistakes, scale online and leverage your existing sales channels to improve your overall business strategy. With our proven step-by-step system, our mantra of “community and collaboration over competition,” and guidance from our experts, your transition to online sales will be a smoothe one.

We’ll take you from discouraged to being
excited about business again!

Ready to launch or grow your start-up jewelry business?

Ready to expand your audience and fast-track your growth?

Time to take your business to the next level?


Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Jewelry Business Names

Someone once famously asked, “What’s in a name?” Well, a lot, actually. If I told you I bought cookies at the grocery store, your mind...

Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Own Jewelry Business

You’ve got a talent for jewelry design and making. Now you’re thinking about starting a jewelry business (or maybe you’ve already started)! Now, jewelry making...

How a Jewelry Business replaced in-person revenue with online sales

Today I’d like to introduce you to one of our Momentum superstars, Karina Harris of Waffles & Honey. Karina’s an amazing designer from San Francisco––and...