Designer Spotlight: Martha Inez Gonzalez

A brief story of what you do and why you do it:
Each of the unique pieces of jewelry I create benefit a wonderful organization. I feel good knowing that when one of my products sell part of the proceeds from that sale will go to benefit a wonderful organization. Creating and designing jewelry not only brings me joy but also has a type of therapeutic effect because it helps to alleviate some of the stress of my everyday life.
How did you get into jewelry design?
I have always loved fashion and having worked in the fashion industry, fashion has been a big part of my life. Initially I got into jewelry design when my daughters yoga class needed a way to raise funds, the bracelets were such a big hit that I decided to start a jewelry business.

What makes your collection unique?
My collection is unique in that it is eclectic and doesn't follow any set theme. Another thing that sets my collection apart is that no two pieces in my collection are created the same in order to preserve the originality and keep the product special for the customer.
What are your inspirations?
I definitely rely on my surroundings in order to design my jewelry pieces. Basically when im out with friends or walking down south beach and I see something that inspires me whether it is a shell or just a beautiful combination of colors on a building I draw from this and use it to create my designs.

How are you making a difference in your life?
I am involved with several charities but I wanted to do more and raise awareness for some other amazing organizations. I feel that using my designs to create awareness for many different organizations is a great way to inform people of these organizations that they may not have been aware of before and also to try and get people involved.
What's something unusual about you that makes you “you”?
Something unusual about me would definitely be my OCD-ness about having everything perfect and organized. It drives my family wild but I feel if I wasn't as organized as I am my life would be incredibly messy.
What's the biggest struggle in running your jewelry business like a business?
Biggest struggle in running the jewelry business would definitely be exposure.
About Martha
I am a former ad model from the 80s who has always had a passion for fashion. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful kids who I love spending time with. I love giving back to the community and I am involved with various charities.
Twitter: @jewelrybyemig