Pricing Demystified Upgrade
How to Find the Perfect Price
Point for YOUR Jewelry…
(Plus Increase Sales, Profits, and Clarity in your Business)

“How do I incorporate overhead into my pricing?
“How do I pay myself and include that in my pricing formula?”
“How do I account when the time and expensive model fees for designing something the first time?”
Those are just a few of the actual questions we receive about jewelry pricing on a weekly basis.
Pricing is by far the biggest struggle for jewelry designers (and if it isn't a struggle for you, there is a good chance you might be doing it wrong!).
Pricing is tough because…
There is No Perfect One-Size-Fits-All
Method for Pricing Jewelry…
(Every Single Brand Is Completely Unique)
But there is a perfect way to price YOUR jewelry.
First you have to know and understand all the important factors that are involved in pricing your jewelry for profit…
Then you'll need to understand the value of your jewelry as it's perceived by your DREAM clients…
You also need to use the correct formula based on the category of jewelry your designs fall into…
Only then will you be equipped to determine the pricing “sweet spot” for your brand.
Determine YOUR pricing sweet spot with Pricing Demystified – Tracy's audio training that addresses all the most asked jewelry pricing questions – for just $19!
What Happens Once You Find that Pricing “Sweet Spot”?
- Your DREAM clients will come out of the woodwork and buy from your brand because the cohesion between your signature style, your brand's core values, and your prices will stir desire for your jewelry.
- You won’t have to worry about price resistance or meeting your customers “in the middle” because your prices will be perfectly in line with your DREAM client's expectations…
- You’ll increase your profitability because once you start accounting for every expense your margins will skyrocket…
- Selling your jewelry will be so much easier when the pressure of finding the right prices has been lifted and you are able to connect with your fans and clients on a personal level.
This is a Limited-Time Opportunity to
Discover the Answers to Jewelry
Pricing's Toughest Questions!

Wouldn't you like to find out…
- Whether you are pricing either too high for your clients or too low for sustainable biz growth?
- Which (if any) missing factors you’ve forgotten to include in your pricing formulas?
- Which pricing formula you should be using for YOUR business model?
- Why you MUST price for wholesale BEFORE retail and how to do it?
It’s Time to Stop Playing the Guessing Game with Your Pricing…
Get Pricing Demystified for Only $19
This Training is Usually $49 (That’s Over 60% Off)