Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Jewelry Business Names

Someone once famously asked, “What’s in a name?” Well, a lot, actually.
If I told you I bought cookies at the grocery store, your mind would likely fill in several brand names immediately: Oreo, Chips Ahoy, belVita. A brand name is a powerful thing, and not just in the glamorous world of cookies. Jewelry business names do a lot of heavy lifting for your business.
But, choosing a jewelry business name isn’t as easy as using an “instant name generator”. (Please don’t use those.) Let’s take a look at why your business name matters, then we’ll dive right into choosing the right name for your jewelry business. And after that? Business success. And maybe even cookies.
Real quick…if you're just starting out and laying the foundation of your jewelry brand, you're going to want to grab our Free “Beginner's Guide to Starting Your Jewelry Biz”. Just click below!

Why Your Jewelry Business Name Matters
When it comes to your jewelry business, nothing matters as much as the art itself. Even the craftiest, cleverest of names falls flat when the jewelry is unappealing or generic. But, there are still a few key reasons as to why your jewelry business name matters:
- A business name acts as a first impression: Your brand name says a lot about you, and more importantly, plants an idea about your brand in prospective customers’ heads. Essentially, your brand tells a story and the name is the first sentence.If your brand name uses upbeat language, people will have an upbeat impression. Something cold and serious? You get the idea.
- Business names cultivate a reputation: Over time your brand name will start to stick with people. Eventually your fans will know your brand name and recommend you to others, and your reputation itself will be enough to sway some people. Also, word of mouth advertising is free and wonderful, and your brand name plays a huge role there.
- Business names tell people about your business: Your brand name should pique someone’s curiosity, but also give them an idea about what it is you do. (This is especially important in the beginning, before people know your name.) For example, Smith’s Silver and Gold implies jewelry, while The Smiths sounds like the intro to a Christmas card.
- Business names help you network: Your brand name will inevitably help your sales growth over time, as your reputation and renown climbs. But, your brand name will also help when it comes to networking, whether that’s in the form of hiring top notch talent or partnering with retail stores.
Yes, your jewelry is the star of the show. But, your jewelry business name will become a star as well, especially as people catch wind of how wonderful your work is. The above points are only a few of the many reasons your business name matters, so remember: naming your business is a decision worth putting a ton of effort into!
5 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Jewelry Business Name

We’ve established jewelry business names are important. Now, let’s take a look at how you can go about choosing a great business name. (Without utilizing a tacky business name generator!)
1. Look at current industry trends
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and for good reason: imitation exists on the principle of borrowing from something tried and true. The same is true for jewelry business names.
Look at current industry trends and see what other jewelers — both small and empire-sized — are doing. Quite often you’ll notice trends right off the bat. For example, many jewelry business names utilize the founder or artist’s last name. For example, Smith’s Jewelry.
Do a quick Google search of top jewelry brands and see what comes up. You’ll find numerous brands with last names or a single word taken from another language. Dig even deeper and see what jewelry business names people have on Etsy, as this will give you an idea of the more niche trends.
2. Keep SEO in mind
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of writing and formatting content so it performs better with Google. Your business name doesn’t need to be based entirely around SEO, but it’s also a good idea to keep SEO in mind when coming up with a name.
For example, let’s say you decide to go with Smith Jewelry. This sounds fine enough, as your last name is Smith and you make jewelry. But, a quick Google search tells you there are numerous Smith Jewelry stores. Potential legal issues aside, using the same name also means your business is now competing with every other business sharing that name.
Research your potential names to ensure you’re not running into any SEO-related issues. If you want to go the extra mile, use a keyword research tool or hire a freelance SEO guru to help you identify a key term or two to include in your brand name.
3. Make it personal
This is your jewelry business — don’t be afraid to make your name personal too! Your business name should reflect both you as a person, and the brand. This doesn’t mean your business should simply use your last name, but that it should mean something to you.
For example, if your family comes from a quaint little town in Spain, a Spanish name or word in the name helps make your brand personal. Or maybe you have a dog you adore. Consider working your little furry friend’s name into the title somewhere!
4. Keep it simple
A personal business name is important, but so is keeping things simple. If your name is too complex, hard to spell, or convoluted, people are likely to find your business off putting or forgettable. And keep in mind, word of mouth is only possible when people can remember or pronounce the name.
If you have an idea you’re in love with but feel it doesn’t roll off the tongue, is lengthy, or is simply difficult to spell, try distilling it down. Smith’s Downhome Silver and Gold Home Jewelry is a mouthful. Smith’s Silver and Gold? That’s much better.
5. Test your name
You think you have your name — great! Now, run your brand name by friends and family or trusted colleagues and see how they react. Take note of any feedback, facial expressions, or questions. Keep in mind friends and family might go easier on you than the general public.
Next, consider polling any current customers or past clients about your potential business name and see how they feel about it. (It’s a good idea to at least secure the domain for the name you’re testing out ahead of time, just in case someone wants to poach it.)
You’ve Chosen Your Name…Now What?

Take a sigh of relief; with your name chosen you’ve officially taken care of the hardest part. But, you still have some legal boxes to check, as well as some smart next steps to set you up for success.
Secure your name
The first thing you have to do is secure your name in several ways. You’ve worked hard on coming up with your name, the last thing you want is for someone to steal it. It's important to make sure your business is legally safe! While you can take the following steps in a variety of orders, the suggested order allows you to take care of the quickest tasks first.
- Buy the site domain: Secure a domain name for your site right away. A domain name isn’t a legal protection of your brand, but it does help make a case in the event someone tries poaching your name before you trademark. Go with a site host of your choice and lock in your domain for at least a year to be safe.
- Trademark the brand name: Trademark your brand name to legally protect it from theft or fraud. A trademark signifies to other businesses and the legal system that your business is yours, and anyone trying to imitate your brand is doing so in bad faith. (You’ll also want to trademark any logos.)
- Copyright signature jewelry designs: Jewelry is art, both in our eyes and the eyes of the law. Because of this, jewelry is copyrighted by default. But, filing proper copyright paperwork for signature creations ensures you’re ready to fight if someone steals your designs.
With the above steps knocked out your business name is officially yours. Don’t forget to renew your trademarks, copyrights, and domain name!
Feature your business name everywhere
A lot of work went into creating and securing your business name. Now, it’s time to flaunt it!
Place your brand name in prominent spots on your website. A few good spots include: the header of your site, the footer, and on the contact page.
You’ll also want to include your branding heavily in social media. Again, make sure your brand name is prominent across the header of your Facebook profile, just like your site. You’ll also want to feature your business name, chiefly the logo, in image-heavy social posts. For example, if you’re showing off a new jewelry design, it’s a good idea to watermark it with your logo in the corner.
Lastly, good old-fashioned business cards are a must! You never know who you’ll run into, especially when you’re attending conferences and trade shows. Be sure to include your business name and logo on your card, and include your social profiles as well.
Promote your business
You have a brand name, it’s time to shout it from the rooftops. Promote your business in grand fashion and get that name out there!
Schedule out social posts across all your different profiles and announce your new business name. And even better, consider launching a new design along with your business name to add some extra oomph to your efforts.
It’s not a bad idea to write up an article about your new business name and what the future holds, either. From there, you can promote that article on social media, too. LinkedIn is also a great place for entrepreneurs, and that’s exactly what you are as a jewelry designer. Draft up a post, or better yet, write up a short LinkedIn article that explains your journey thus far.
Lastly, run some coupon campaigns down the road. Your product has value, so don’t do a giveaway right out of the gate. But, a coupon or discount is a great way to drum up some additional attention, especially when you run promotions for the sale on social media. (Don’t forget to email your mailing list!)
You’ve Got the Name, Now Let’s Get the Business
Choosing a name is hard. With your name chosen, you’re ready to move onto the truly rewarding part of running a jewelry business — laying the foundation for a jewelry empire all your own.
It’s easy to feel like you’re all on your own when running a business. With our Laying the Foundation program, you’re part of an entire community of flourishing jewelry designers all making names for themselves.

Our Laying the Foundation program comes with lifetime access to our exclusive course, which include in-depth training on how to establish a social media presence, build lasting relationships, and set realistic sales goals. You’ll also gain access to PR scripts, marketing materials, and access to mentors and coaches who’ve been there, done that and scaled their own jewelry businesses to the multi-6 or 7-figure marks.
You’ve got the name. Let us help you get the business.