5 Ways to Hustle During the Dog Days of Summer

I love a good celebration! How about you?
Last weekend, I was in California to celebrate my sister’s upcoming wedding and a few family b’day parties. Plus, it really felt like summertime was in full-swing because we spent a lot of time at the beach.
Hopefully, you love a good celebration because Robin & I certainly do! F&TA is turning 3 on July 5th and we can’t be more ecstatic!
That means lots of gifts and treats for you, so make sure you get on the email list to grab those!
Wow! We can’t believe we are turning 3! Where does all the time go??!!
Especially during the lazy days that ensue during summer, we want to get you pumped about your jewelry business and using your time the best way possible.
Summertime is upon us and while a lot of us might be taking off and heading to the beach, that doesn’t mean that your sales should slow down.
Typically, the summer months can be slow for some designers. However, don’t let industry trends scare you! The summer months are a very important time to regroup, refresh and unload extra inventory!
So you might be wondering how to keep the momentum building when everything seems to be slowing down!?
That’s why today, I wanted to share 5 Ways to Hustle during the Dog Days of Summer.
The main lesson is this: don’t let the slow summer months stop you from making sales. I guarantee you will not regret the extra effort you put in plus you’ll be excited to have some old inventory out the door.
And once you’ve exhausted all sales efforts, remember that all businesses have ebbs and flows. Downtime is important to regroup, reevaluate and plan for the coming Holiday Months.
Now I’d love to hear from you! What is your biggest business goal for this summer? What are you going to do to boost your summer sales?
And now it’s time for the Flourish & Thrive birthday gift to you (the first of a few)!
Since we couldn’t pack more than a few summer sales tips in this video, we have created a FREE checklist called 25 Ways to Boost Sales During Dog Days of Summer.
Download the checklist now so you can get started on planning an awesome summer sales season!
Check your inbox on July 5th for more goodies..that’s our real B’day!
xo, Tracy & Robin
Click to Tweet: 5 Ways to Hustle During the Dog Days of Summer via @flourish_thrive https://bit.ly/1JtnbvE