Designer Spotlight: Dina Rudman

A brief story of what you do and why you do it.
I love helping others look their best by giving them the tools to do it: teaching them how to wear the right colors, editing their wardrobes and polishing their styles. I design custom jewelry that is tailored to different aspects that make each individual unique, focusing on striking color combinations and relationships between gems and energy.
How did you get into jewelry design?
I was inspired by one of my friends, who is a fine artist; her art was so colorful and energetic, it made me want to express my love for color also, and I thought-why not try making jewelry! I am self-taught and most of my designs are completely intuitive, but as I studied to be an Image Consultant, I learned a lot about composition, color and stones, which now makes my jewelry stand firmly on it's feet, combining knowledge and experience with a more natural aesthetic.

What makes your collection unique?
My jewelry is created with extreme attention to detail, creating interesting and original pieces, finding unique ways to mix mediums, add color combinations that enhance the person's appearance and include stones that have positive qualities on heath and well-being. Each piece has it's own history, purpose and many dimensions.
What are your inspirations?
I am inspired by traveling to exotic locations and observing my surroundings; I'm also really inspired by people, their personalities and watching them interact with each other. I'm also always drawn to individuals who like to put themselves together and do it with ease.

How are you making a difference in your life?
I strive to give my clients confidence by teaching them how to best present themselves (with Image, Jewelry and Makeup). As they “graduate” from my services, I trust that they become more sure of themselves and happier in their own skin.
What's something unusual about you that makes you “you”?
I lived half my life in Russia and half in America; I feel that I have a deeper appreciation for cultural differences and nuances because of that. I'm sort of a Renaissance woman of sorts: dabbling in a lot of different arts (illustration, dance, design), while still remaining grounded and trying to stay true to myself.
What's the biggest struggle in running your jewelry business like a business?
Learning to delegate. I am at the point now where my business is expanding and I'm in search of like-minded individuals that I can trust with certain tasks that I used to do myself. It requires a bit of detachment and a whole lot of faith, which I know is important for growth 🙂
About Dina
I'm an NYC-based Image & Wardrobe Stylist, Jewelry Designer and Makeup Artist. My company Modnitsa (tr.Fashionista (Russian) Atleier (tr. “custom shop”, French) focuses on bringing our customers a custom approach to design and styling. My jewelry is all about creating powerful and striking color combinations to enhance the wearer's mood, spirit and ambiance.
Twitter: @modnitsa