What Every Designer Ought to Know About Building a Business Online

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Are you struggling to get more jewelry sales online?

I know what you might be thinking: my customers want to try my jewelry on before they buy it?

I am here to challenge that belief!

It may seem like online jewelry stores are at a disadvantage. However, with the right formula and a well mapped out online strategy, you are actually at a HUGE advantage. You have the potential to reach multitudes of people who would otherwise NEVER find you!

When I was starting OVER in my business, I knew I HAD to have a strong online presence. But it wasn’t just about slapping up a pretty website and waiting for people to come to it.

With a little well thought out strategy, clarity & the confidence to communicate my message, my business flourished VERY quickly and my sales from online referrals skyrocketed!

According to marketing extraordinaire Marie Forleo, “A proper online marketing strategy will help you attract prospects to your business, elegantly guide them through the process of becoming “buyers,” and will even help you develop actual REAL relationships with your clients.”

For those of you who are trying to increase your SALES online, you’ll definitely want to watch this video:

Click to Tweet: What Every Designer Ought to Know About Building a Business Online https://bit.ly/1zQN0hK via @Flourish_Thrive

Now it’s your turn! In the comments below, answer the following:

  1. What are you currently doing to market your products online?
  2. What is one takeaway or strategy that you will implement today?

Of course, there are a lot more online marketing strategies that I would love to share, but I wanted to keep this training short and sweet!

However, my biz mentor Marie Forleo already has a FREE training to cover it all! In the most recent video of her newest training series, Marie teaches the 13 keys to killing it online + the dirty little secret to making millions.

>> Click here to watch Marie’s 3-Part Training series <<

Marie’s tactics helped me elevate my online presence so quickly that within just a few short months, my clients were asking me if I’d hired a marketing expert. Plus, my sales skyrocketed so quickly that I blew my sales goals out of the water.

You’ll see what I mean when you watch the series.

I do also want to mention that because of my success with Marie’s tactics (you’ll hear more about it in Video # 3 in her series), that I am a proud promotional partner for her B-School Program.