#100 Top Insights from The Past 5 Years of Flourish & Thrive

It’s time to celebrate!
We love all things birthday here at Flourish & Thrive…and on July 5th we are celebrating F&TA’s 5th birthday!
This is also our 100th episode of Thrive by Design, which is super awesome they fall on (almost) the same day!!!
Building a business can be really tough (hashtag #thestruggleisreal)…
But it doesn’t have to be, especially when you take a look at how far you’ve come!
That alone should make you feel proud and give you HUGE boost of inspiration and motivation.
(Seriously you’ve come a long way baby!)
We see YOU! I’m getting all welled up just thinking about it.
Now it’s time to celebrate that…you in?
Today on the show, that’s exactly what we’re doing!
We’re here to celebrate YOU, how far we’ve all come by looking back on 5 years of being your support system for your jewelry business!
Our motto of #communityovercollaboration was inspired by you, because it takes a village my loves.
Robin and I are so excited to share our ahas, insights and stories of triumph and growth from our community all over the past 5 years…so let’s dive right in!
Click here to download the show notes

CVO Mindset
Creative people (like you + me) don’t get excited about finance or accounting! I’m sure you can relate, but it seems creative, idea people really struggle with the analytical parts of business.
That’s why thinking of yourself as a Chief Visionary Officer (CVO) requires you to be strategic about who you hire for your business. Hiring a fantastic team to handle tasks that don’t fit your natural skillset is a top priority for the CVO mindset.
Listening & Responding
Predicting what other people need is a tricky business! Sometimes you start going down a path and realize it’s not what your dream clients really want or need from you.
As business owners, you need to always be open to pivoting to meet the needs of your customers. The only way to do this is by asking them for feedback and taking action based on what they say!
Focus on the Good
Remembering the progress you have made is essential to keeping up your spirits as a business owner. We have gone through really tough times.
Celebrating the wins is just as important as learning from your losses. It takes resilience, fire, and passion to put yourself out there and keep going!
We are so proud of all the designers in our community! Sharing your wins with us is an awesome way for you to see how far you’ve come!
As a special Flourish & Thrive Academy 5th birthday surprise…we’ve put together a pretty amazing sales resource for you!
The Ultimate Sales Roundup: Resources to Maximize Your Jewelry Sales!
Click the graphic or this link to grab your birthday gift! >>>
We can’t say how thankful we are that you’re part of this community we built at Flourish & Thrive. If someone told us 5 years ago we would be celebrating 100 podcast episodes, an awesome business team, and a community of thousands of designers…we would have jumped for joy!
It’s been a crazy ride so far, and we’re not slowing down anytime soon!
Here’s to the next 5 years of Flourishing & Thriving!!!
xo, Tracy & Robin
The Ultimate Sales Roundup: Resources to Maximize Your Jewelry Sales!
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