The Best Background for Jewelry Photography

Do I need a white background for my jewelry pictures?
The short answer is, “yes”
You make beautiful jewelry so why not display it in the best way possible?
A crisp, white background for jewelry photography is the best way to accurately show your designs.
It's fun to get creative displaying your jewelry on pottery, rocks, or mirrors.
Don't forget the reason you're taking the picture is to show a potential customer what it looks like.
The best way to do this is by using a combination of product images with a white background and lifestyle shots.
It doesn't matter if you're selling your jewelry wholesale, private label, or direct to consumer, the pictures usually equal better sales.
Pictures are Important
When I sat down with Stacey Duffy of, I asked her what she looks at when considering picking up a new designer for her trunk shows. She said the number one turnoff was BAD photography. Our discussion led to a bigger topic of the importance of not only good pictures of your work but also a great picture of yourself.
So many independent jewelry designers don't have a picture of themselves on their website or social media. It's such a shame because without a picture of yourself, you're missing out on sales. In the beginning, you're selling yourself as a designer just as much as the jewelry you create!
To get the crisp white background for your product images, you can DIY a photoshoot using these materials.
- Lightbox, or something white to reflect sunlight (like a sheet or a paper towel!)
- White poster board
- DSLR camera or smartphone
- Lightoom, Photoshop, or any picture editing software/app you like
That's it! Sunlight is the best light source because you want it to look natural. You don't need to have the fanciest camera to take a great photo, your iPhone camera is better than the best lense on the market when I was starting out!
Don't get too crazy when it comes to editing the pictures, you need them to accurately represent your jewelry.
Professional Quality Without the Pricetag
For your headshots you can have a friend take your picture. If someone you know has portrait mode on their phone, you're all set! For your lookbook and other website photography, you're going to want some styled shots and lifestyle photography with models. You don't have to actually hire models!
Get some friends together and have them wear black or white tops so your jewelry really stands out. If no one you know is great with a camera, there's always craigslist if you want to find an up-and-coming photographer or college student who's looking to build their portfolio. In exchange for helping you out, you can buy your friends dinner or give them a piece of jewelry to say thanks.
What do you think?
How do you take great pictures of your jewelry? Which backgrounds work best for you?