F&TA Exclusive B-School Bonuses

I have a secret that I want to share with you…
..(well maybe it's not a big secret…read on…) For the past several weeks you might have seen some emails from us talking about Marie Forleo and her RHH BSchool Program. I have also talked about the success that I have had by participating in her program and you may have even had a sneak peak of me chatting it up with Marie in her third training video.
If you haven't heard about Marie Forleo's RHH Bschool, now is the time to check it out.
Enrollment is open until March 4th.
Here's why Bschool is such a powerful program for anyone who is trying to reach their audience online:
- The first time I took B-School, I was cleaning up the aftermath of a business that bombed. I had launched a completely new business model that required me to connect with my clients in a new way, online! The month I enrolled in B-School, I booked $2,000 in sales. A mere 18 months later, I booked my first month ever of $30,000 in PROFIT!! (yes, from my jewelry business)
- The strategies in this program helped me really understand and market to the clients who were actually going to buy from me. Additionally, I learned how to effectively capture leads who were ideal but maybe weren't ready to buy just now. The Result:: a successful system to stay connected to my clients until they ARE ready to buy so that I am able to continue to build momentum and sales month over month in my business. (and someone asked me if I hired a branding expert because my marketing content was so good!)
- The second time I took B-School I really started connecting with an amazing network of women (and men) that eventually have become not only really close friends, but loyal clients, members of my team and master minders in businesses. Extra Perk:: once you enroll you are a member for life. One of those amazing women, Stephanie Herbut, wrote an incredible post for us today about Pinterest. Go check out her blog:: 5 Ways to Make your Pinterest Board Irresistible to Follow.
- Just before I left for Bali in the Spring of 2012 (yes I have also set my business up for location independence when I want it), I received an email from Marie Forleo asking if I would like to be featured and interviewed by her because of my success with her program. This was a dream come true for me and I actually had her picture on my vision board. Freaking crazy how that works! For the past two years, I have been featured in her third training video and I am beyond flattered and honored.
- The third time I took B-School I developed Flourish & Thrive Academy with Robin (and she also enrolled). Without B-School I would have never had the confidence and courage to go out and tell my story. I also would not have had the “cajones” to call up Robin and ask her to venture with me into uncharted territory to build this Academy and break the standards for how jewelry business skills are taught. (case in point:: you'll come up with some incredible revenue generating ideas that offer value. They've been festering inside of you waiting to come out and play).
- I am over the moon excited for my fourth round of B-School because I have a feeling something truly amazing will evolve out of it.
I want every one to have the same opportunity I did… and you do! Marie Forleo has just opened up registration yet again!
Just to sweeten the pot a little bit, I have decided to offer my own bonuses for everyone who signs up through my partner link.
Here are the details:
- Bonus #1: $200 off admission to F&TA Volume 2 (name and dates TBA very soon) ($200 Value)
- Bonus #2: Three live 90 minute Q&A calls to talk about anything jewelry business related or B-School related (yes there will be recordings). I'll be giving insight into the specific strategies I used to grow my biz based on Bschool concepts. I anticipate there to be a significant amount of time for laser coaching. Calls will start when the program launches-dates and times TBD. ($600 value)
- Bonus #3: One 30 minute private coaching session with me (Tracy) to chat all things jewelry biz or b-school. Redeemable for 1 year starting in May 2013 – April 2014 ($200 Value)
- Bonus #4: A private Facebook community specifically for F&TA designers who sign up using my link. This group is designed to get feedback from me and your fellow designers. ($600 value)
Total Value of the Bonuses: $1600 (that's nearly the price of admission)
Are you ready? GO HERE TO SIGN UP
Once you enroll, email your confirmation to support (at) flourishthriveacademy.com and we'll get you in on the great bonuses above!