
#217 How One Designer Increased Her Sales by 47% After the Tragic Loss of Her Mother with Twyla Dill

By Tracy Matthews / September 17, 2019

I am constantly blown away by the resilience and creativity from the designers in our community. Twyla Dill is one radiant example. While living in Turkey, Twyla learned how to make Oya, a delicate lace crocheted from thread.…

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#215 Exactly What to Do, Ditch, or Delegate to Scale Your Sales

By Tracy Matthews / September 3, 2019

What makes a jewelry designer successful? Is it talent? Hard work? Luck? Not even close! If being talented and working hard was all it takes to make it in the jewelry biz… most jewelry designers would be successful.…

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The inside scoop: when should I hire a Contractor vs. an Employee?

By Tracy Matthews / May 27, 2013

Robin and I hear this all of the time:: “I feel so overwhelmed! I want to pull my hair out because I have so many things to do. I know I should be acting like a CEO, but…

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