Zone of Genius + Business Matchmaking = Your Best Business

You are talented, you make lovely jewelry. People want to buy it. That's enough, right? The answer: sort of.
It's a fact: people who combine their innate talents with their greatest passion are the best at what they do. Are you?
Today, Tracy chats with Laura Garnett, a business matchmaker and branding expert, about the Zone of Genius and WHY working in your ZONE is so important if you want to have a successful jewelry business. If you are trying to elevate your brand, make sure you aren't making the mistakes that so many designers make. Talent is not enough. Check out the full interview here.
Action Step
Have you already found your Zone of Genius? Or are you struggling to connect with your innate talents? Tell us all about it in the comments! If you are still working on it, use the Innate Talents + Greatest Passion formula and tell us what you came up with!
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@garnettl breaks down the Zone of Genius for @flourish_thrive in this awesome interview!
About Laura

Laura realized in 2009 that her gift is connecting people to their Zone of Genius and she firmly believes that if everyone were leveraging their innate gifts then there would be no more work angst. She is a Business Matchmaker. She helps to introduce you to Your Zone of Genius, and then, using a unique alchemy of experience, wisdom and intuition, identify the truth of Your Brand. Once you are centered in your own truth, she can easily help you develop a Personalized Marketing Strategy that effortlessly attracts your Ideal Clients.