#48 Creating A Culture of Celebration + Happy 4th Birthday F&TA

It’s our 4th Birthday today! And we are ready to celebrate!
Before we kick off the celebration, I have a party game for you.
(It’s not pin the tail on the donkey game- I promise).
I want you to spend just a minute thinking of three things that You can celebrate Today.
Got them?
My challenge to you is to repeat that exercise every day…Especially on the not so good days.
In all my years of running a jewelry business I have found that celebrating small wins and big milestones is one of the best ways to keep thriving and growing as a person and business owner.
Which is why today, Robin and I are so excited to be throwing a birthday celebration for F&TA!
We were talking the other day, and can still remember our very first birthday like it was yesterday. A lot has grown and changed since then, but our FAVORITE reason to celebrate our birthday remains the same.
You want to know what it is?
It’s You! Our incredible community of designers who make F&TA the premier, thriving business that it is.
Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or just signed up for your first course, today is about celebrating you.
So, on today’s episode Robin and I are teaching you how to create a culture of celebration in Your jewelry biz…and we are having so much fun doing it!
Let’s jump in.
Click here to download the show notes
It Starts With You
As your business’ Chief Visionary Officer, creating a culture of celebration starts with You! If you learn how to celebrate the little moments everyday, it will naturally spill over into a business that celebrates from the top down.
When I meet with new clients, I like to start off by asking them for three things that They are celebrating. Even if they are super eager to jump into what they need from me, stopping to talk about their celebrations connects on us on a different level.
Get Creative With Your Celebration
There are So many fun ways that you can celebrate milestones in your business. You might offer a discount, like free shipping, on your jewelry biz’s birthday. Or maybe if you just got married and you want to share the celebration with your customers, create a limited edition piece with your wedding colors that you only sell during your anniversary month.
The key is to include your clients in your celebration so that they have a deep sense of connection with you and your business. We share a Lot more ideas on the episode.
Celebrate with an Event
If you do trade shows or fairs and one falls close to your birthday, try decorating your booth with birthday decorations. Celebrations and holidays are also a great time to try a virtual sales event on social media or through your blog.
Here at F&TA, we celebrate by inviting our community to our annual LIVE Event in New York City. This year the event is September 22nd and 23rd, 2016 and tickets are going fast! But…as a special sale Only for our birthday, we are offering you a Buy One Get One Half Off sale on tickets.
Head over here to check out Flourish & Thrive Live. When you purchase two tickets and use the code BDAY2016LIVE you will get one ticket at the regular price of $395, and one for only $198!
We’ve got a few other gifts (party favors if you will) for you today!
The first gift we have your you is a cheat sheet all about how to Create A Culture of Celebration in your business!
Download the guide today to be on your way to your very own celebration!
The second is a guide to help you Boost Your Summer Sales during the next couple months which are historically slow for jewelry designers. You can download that one right here.
On behalf of Robin and myself, thank you for making Flourish & Thrive Academy a business to celebrate.
xo, Tracy
Nina Designs
Kimra Luna
Accounting for Jewelers
Sabina Knows
Emilie Shapiro Jewelry
Harris Dolbee Showroom