How to ROCK your Holiday Jewelry Sales

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Imagine it's November 1st.

For the first time since you started your jewelry biz, you’re not freaking out about getting enough Holiday sales.

In fact, you are calm and even planning to take some time off to spend time with your family and friends.

How the heck did you get here?

Being prepared for the holiday season is going to make all the difference in your business and your sanity. Today, I'm showing you how this can be your reality this Holiday season!

1. Set Achievable Goals

First, set realistic achievable sales goals. I love hitting sales goals and by having realistic ones I actually get more motivated plus if I have a team (even if it is one person) it will help everyone understand what to expect! Once the season is over, having specific goals allows you to evaluate your efforts. It is also critical for your mindset. So tell yourself something specific like, “This Holiday Season I am going to increase my sales from last year by 15%.” rather than generic like “I want to have an awesome Holiday season”.

Important when setting Holiday Sales goals.

  • Be specific. Broad numbers will not help you when it comes time to calculate your progress.
  • Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals where you can measure and manage your ultimate goal.
  • Make your goals attainable. Now, I’m not talking easy, but realistic.

2. Have a Plan

Once you have your goal, you then need to plan how you’re going to reach it. Create an action plan that will help you obtain the daily, weekly and monthly goals you set. Create a sales calendar for the Holiday Season and schedule the revenue generating activities (RGA’s rule!) that need to happen in order for you to be successful. It’s essential to make the activities fun because unless you are driven by sales, they can be a bit daunting and even scary.

Here are some fun things you can do:

  • Ring a bell every time you or one of your team makes a sale.
  • Have a special dance that you and your team do every time an order comes in.
  • Post your big Goal up in your office so you can stay motivated and keep your eye on the price.
  • Keep track of your daily goal and weekly goal on a whiteboard or chalkboard so you can monitor your progress.

Create rewards for hitting certain goals. For instance, if I hit my monthly goal I am going to get a mani/pedi. OR make it about the team; if we hit our monthly goal, we will have a pizza party!

A well-planned routine will keep you and your team focused, eliminate distractions, reduce stress, and enable you to manage the daily tasks that will help you achieve your goals. Doesn’t that sound dreamy?

3. Stay Accountable by Sharing

Share and take action. Shout it from the mountain tops! OK, that is a little dramatic even for me. You want to share your goals because when you share your goals with others, you become more vested in the outcome and ultimate success.

“We break commitments to ourselves all the time, but once we inform friends, family, and colleagues of our goals, the stakes are instantly raised,” says Richardson of Score More Sales.

You will be less likely to back away from your goals once you have shared them with others. By letting others in on what you are working towards, you instantly gain a support group that wants you to win! You want to be held accountable by people you trust, and sharing your goals with them accomplishes that!

4. Take Action

Action is the name of the game! If you sit around waiting for sales to magically happen, you’ll be waiting forever!

You must take action for things to happen. I suggest breaking down your goals into weekly and daily goals. Doing this allows you to really see how your actions affect your end result…plus it gives you a “to-do” list!

Some days it may take an extra 20 calls to clients to hit your goal. Or maybe you evaluate when you are mid-month and determine that you need to have a trunk show so you can make your month goal.

The fantastic thing about having a goal and plan is that you always know where you are with your sales and can make adjustments when needed.

Need that extra kick?

We want you to stay on track this Holiday season while kicking some serious booty! Sign up for our FREE training series:: Ramp up your holiday jewelry sales

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