Overwhelmed? What to do if you are feeling discouraged

One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.
~Lucille Ball
Too Many Things on the to do List! Not enough sales! Not Feeling Good Enough! Full Moon! Mercury Retrograde! Bills to Pay! Collections to Design!
Ahhhh…are you feeling discouraged or overwhelmed? I am feeling overwhelmed just writing this!
The other day, I was coaching a designer who was completely overwhelmed. She’d been killing it, making changes in her business, putting plans into action, and then all of a sudden something happened. She was paralyzed by overwhelm and got totally discouraged! She literally was so upset that she wanted to throw in the towel!
Honestly, I’ve been there. My first business failed…talk about being overwhelmed and discouraged! I wanted to dig a hole in the sand and stick my head inside.
Today, I run two businesses that are very important to me and both demand a lot of my time and attention. Of course, my main priority is to service my clients, whether they are jewelry designers in need of advice and mentoring or custom jewelry clients investing in a special piece of jewelry.
Sometimes I have so many things to do and feel completely discouraged. In fact, I started crying in front of one of my vendors the other day because I was so overwhelmed! I’m not proud to admit this, but the fact is, we are all human and sometimes things don’t go according to plan.
The good news is: I used one of my favorite techniques for dealing with anxiety, discouragement, and overwhelm and I was able to let go of my angst.
Today, we are going to do something a little differently than we usually do for our blog post. Robin and I are going to chat about some of our favorite tactics to handle discouragement, overwhelm, and anxiety in the jewelry business.
We hope this helped pique mindfulness and helped you release feelings of discouragement and overwhelm.
We want to hear from you!
In the comments below this video tell us the following::
1. How do you handle your feelings of discouragement or overwhelm?
2. What was your favorite tip in the video Above?
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Are you feeling overwhelmed? @flourish_thrive shares how to release overwhelm and keep moving towards your goals! https://bit.ly/145RGQX