The Piece of Technology That Could Get You More Sales From Buyers

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by your email inbox that you missed a VERY important email?
Yeah me too!
A few months back, I was chatting with a buyer from a sought after jewelry store. She revealed she gets over 100 emails a day from designers who want to sell to her store. On top of that, she receives daily loads of emails from her current designers asking for reorders and following up.
She told me, quite frankly, she barely has time to read them all and often misses important emails (and great new talent, as well).
Personally, I can totally relate to this.
The prospect of emailing these days has made people lazy!
Plus, hiding behind a computer or your inbox can be a huge crutch when you’re trying to reach more buyers or get reorders from your wholesale accounts.
There is a huge missed opportunity with a piece of technology that is probably at arms length distance anyway…
And that piece of technology is your PHONE!
Today, Robin is going to walk you through her favorite sales tool, the phone!
Click to Tweet: The Piece of Technology That Could Get You More Sales From Buyers via @Flourish_Thrive
Make sure you tell us: How will you use the phone to improve your client relationships? AND What was your preferred sales outreach strategy?
If you haven’t checked out the 3 Steps to Successful Wholesale make sure you do. In this FREE training series, we teach you our proven strategies to get more of your work into more of your DREAM stores, regardless of where you are in biz.
Go here to check out more if you are interested in increasing your wholesale exposure.