The Undeniable Impact of Gift Guide Placement for Stellar Holiday Sales

A few months ago, I was having dinner in SF with my friend Andreea Ayers. We’ve been colleagues and friends for years, but this was our first time actually meeting in person.
As we sat there talking about our experiences with our businesses, she was telling me a story about how she has been featured in over 50 Holiday Gift Guides.
Whoa! What would you do if your jewelry was featured in 50 gift guides this season?
I’m sure you would be happy dancing!
I was impressed because I knew how powerful that was. I had been featured in a few gift guides in my time, but 50! Now that’ something to be proud of!
The first time my jewelry was placed in a gift guide, I was blown away by the number of sales I got!
I remember it like it was yesterday: a pearl necklace was featured in InStyle and a few days later appeared on the Today Show.

Now, believe it or not. This was before online shopping, so my phone was literally ringing off the hook.
I had sold out of the necklaces in stock in less than a day and scrambled to have my team create more so we could fulfill the loads of orders coming in!
Added bonus:: Katie Couric bought my necklace and earrings after she featured them!
Even though my first gift guide placement happened a long time ago, there is one thing that has stayed the same…getting into a gift guide can be a total game changer for your business.
You can easily double your holiday sales with the right Holiday Gift Guide Placements. Even just ONE placement can MAKE your entire Holiday Season!
Gift Guide’s are so powerful because your potential DREAM clients are literally scouring magazines for gift ideas. It’s a total slam dunk!
There’s no one better to tell us more about The Undeniable Impact of Gift Guide Placement for Stellar Holiday Sales than Andreea Ayers.
In this interview Andreea shares:
- When to start pitching for gift guides (time sensitive)
- How to pitch for maximum exposure
- The follow up formula that got her in 50 gift guides
- The “shortcut” she created for quick sales
Click to tweet: The Undeniable Impact of Gift Guide Placement via @flourish_thrive & @andreeaayers
Once you’ve had a chance to watch the interview, we’d love to hear from you.
What’s been holding you back from pitching holiday gift guides?
At the end of the interview, Andreea mentioned her amazing platform called Get Media Happy!
It’s basically a match-making service that couples products like your jewelry with the editors who are looking for it! Andreea has been working her tush off connecting with editors to make your gift guide pitching a breeze.
Trust me: DIY PR is much more cost effective and results driven when you learn how to do it right! You don’t need a fancy PR agency to get lots of press coverage, just the right strategy and a few shortcuts to save time.
To learn more about Get Media Happy, go here.
P.S. Andreea is extending an amazing special BONUS. If you sign up for Get Media Happy by June 23rd, she’ll review your gift guide pitch for you! That’s an added $197 value for free!
>>Go Here Now to Find Out What Editors are Searching for Their Holiday Gift Guides<<