#51 Your 5 Biggest Sales Roadblocks and How to Fix Them

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Before we get started today, find your pulse.


Really, do it…feel it beat for a few seconds.


What your pulse is for your body, sales are for your jewelry biz.


Sales are the lifeblood of your business.


If you don’t have sales, you have an expensive hobby…not a business.


But even though most of you have heard me say that before, sales are still the biggest mental and physical challenge for the VAST majority of designers


On today’s episode I am walking you through the five biggest sales roadblocks that designers come up against while running a business…and what to do about them.


Click here to download the show notes


Sales Roadblock #1: Exposure


This is one that Robin and I hear all the time from the designers in our community. It sounds like this: “My brand isn’t getting enough eyes on it to result in any kind of significant sales.” Or: “I’m getting a lot of exposure, but it isn’t the right kind for my brand.”


If you’re just starting out, here’s my suggestion. Start with your friends and family! A lot of designers will try to avoid selling to their inner circle because they think it’s uncomfortable, but you have no better group of ambassadors than the people who love you most! As they start to buy and wear your jewelry, their own circle of influence will take notice and ask where they got the piece…which results in more sales.


I have a few more ways to help you turn get more exposure in the episode.


Sales Roadblock #2: Conversion


This is a biggie. It looks like this: you’ve got a great website with decent traffic, you’re showing up in all the right craft fairs or stores if you wholesale…but your strategy isn’t converting to sales. It can be a frustrating time suck cycle for designers.


An online presence is key to conversion. So if you haven’t already, start building your email list! If you sell at fairs make sure that you collect email addresses for every customer And shopper who shows interest in your booth. If you have a website then you should have an enticing pop up offering a benefit to the shopper if they give you their email address. The statistic is that it takes 7 to 10 touches to convert a prospect into a buyer…so this is all about relationship building.


More tips on converting traffic revealed in the podcast.


Sales Roadblock #3: Finding the Right Sales Avenues


This one is super common too: “I’m not being able to find the right clients or the right sales avenues for my particular brand.” My very best advice here is to think about your Dream Client and where they shop. Are they shopping at in person events, or online? Are they shopping in retail stores and boutiques.


Once you get honest about where your dream client is shopping, be bold enough and dedicated enough to get yourself into that avenue. Maybe you have a website but do really well at live selling events. You might not necessarily love doing events because they are a lot of work, but if that’s what’s working for you now then show up there and start driving that live traffic to your website.


Or maybe you only want to sell in stores, so you’re totally neglecting your website. And still, your website is converting with little effort and selling well. Perhaps you should reevaluate your strategy. Here’s the key here: think about what has worked well for you in the past and be willing to focus there.


Okay…I could go on for days, but I really Really encourage you to listen to the podcast episode for a ton more tips and discussion about the other two sales roadblocks.


And…I have something Super exciting to share with you before I sign off, we are hosting a FREE 14 day event that we would love for you to participate in.


It’s called the Sales Amplifier Bootcamp


…and it’s totally FREE for you for 14 days.


We will be dialing in on the 5 sales roadblocks we talked about today and giving you our undivided attention for two full weeks in a dedicated Facebook group.


Here’s what you’ll have nailed down by the end of the bootcamp:

  • A plan of attack to finally have enough sales to turn away those high maintenance clients.
  •  Reduced anxiety and extreme confidence in your sales pitch.
  • A bevy or orders in your inbox: say goodbye to non-existent sales.


    Perfect clarity about HOW to generate consistent sales, daily, without burning all the time in your day.



Bootcamp officially starts August 1st, but I totally encourage you to register now and join the group because space is limited. We want to keep the group to a good size that allows us to really give You the attention you deserve!


xo, Tracy


FREE 14 Day Sales Amplifier Bootcamp