#8: The Key to Building Lasting Business Relationships with Robin Kramer

The answer: Your customers should know, like, and trust you. In today’s episode, we’ll be talking all about the know, like, and trust factor and share our keys to building lasting business relationships.
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The Key to a Successful Business
Marketing and relationship building isn’t just one piece of the puzzle. In fact, we happen to believe a relationship-oriented sales technique is the key to having a successful business. ‘Keeping’ a client once you have them requires focusing on their satisfaction and happiness rather than “the sale.” Catering to the customer experience and his or her needs is the name of the game, and taking steps early on to building a lasting relationship will save you big time in the long run.
“70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated” ~ McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm
Understanding Business Relationships
Business relationships are one of those things you just can’t get anxious about if you’re going to succeed. Even the smallest hints of confidence and extroversion will do you wonders when it comes to starting a comfortable relationship with your clients. So, what are some things you can do to get the ball rolling?
Building Strong relationships requires you to:
- Be friendly, nice, and positive!
- Be authentic, thoughtful and personal.
- Make it easy for the buyer to work with you.
- Listen, ask questions, and listen some more.
- Be confident and proactive.
- Be honest and optimistic.
- Under promise and over deliver.
- Be solutions-oriented.
- Be persistent and consistent.
- Follow up and follow through.
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Communication as a Strategy
One of our best tips when it comes to relationship building is to simply communicate. If something went wrong and someone’s order will be late, do everyone a favor and immediately contact the buyer to let her know and work out a solution. If a customer has a complaint or a buyer decides not to reorder, step up to the plate by thanking your customer for letting you know and offering different product options and solutions.
At the end of the day, consistent communication is the best way to nurture your relationships and achieve repeat business.
Today, we’re going in-depth on all the topics above, so don’t forget to press play!
Links mentioned in this episode:
McKinsey & Company
Dogeared Jewelry
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