How one Successful Jewelry Designer Grew his Business, Gained More Personal Time, and Eliminated Overwhelm

Today I’d like to introduce you to the talented Jesse Robbins of Jessie Robbins Jewelry. Through our Momentum Program, Jesse has been able to grow his business and get more work-life balance.
As a native of Prescott, AZ, Jesse Robbins of Jesse Robbins Jewelry considers himself lucky to have been born and raised in a culture of southwest jewelry surrounded by turquoise, sterling silver and silver coins, all things he uses in his designs. It all comes naturally to him, and he’s been fortunate enough to work with some talented jewelry designer mentors.
Before Momentum, Jesse was Struggling to Keep Up
Jesse had been making and selling his jewelry full-time for about 3-4 years. The business was growing when he suddenly experienced an avalanche of orders followed by overwhelm. How was he going to keep up? He believed all he had to do was work harder to make more money, which he was good at, but he admits he didn’t know enough about running a profitable business.
“My idea of money was always that you could just go out and work harder, make more money…. eventually, that just became so cumbersome. From a small business perspective that I realized that I didn't know enough about business.”
Jesse was good at making jewelry, selling jewelry, and repeating the process. Still, he had no systems in place to grow or scale and no boundaries between his business and personal life.
Jesse Googled Jewelry Business Programs and found the Thrive by Design Podcast.
Jesse began searching the internet for help, and he found the Thrive by Design Podcast. In just a few episodes, many of Jesse’s business questions were answered, which led him to inquire about our Momentum Program and ultimately commit to growing his business the right way.
“I was making plenty, both physical quantity of jewelry and also money, but I was just like bleeding from 1000 cuts within my business. So I really was wanting to go into Momentum with the idea that I was going to capture more profit and, above all, start capturing back some of my personal time.”
In Momentum, we worked with Jesse to:
- Build an effective e-commerce website
- Develop a system for collecting emails and growing an audience
- Design and implement strategies for email automation and correctly pricing his work
- Track revenue and expenses
When Jesse joined Momentum, he had no system in place to capture his expenses and revenue, “I was like wow, you just made $10,000 and then spent $9,000? Like, did you make any money? Or is this just like an insane hobby?”
During his first year in Momentum, Jesse began to gain back his personal time instead of being pulled in 1000 different directions, something he never believed he could achieve on his own before he joined the program.
In Momentum, Jesse worked one-on-one with our coaches on:
“This program would honestly work for anyone as long as you are open to working hard, implementing what you learn and are determined to make the effort to keep improving your business.“
- How to make and implement a 90-day marketing plan
- How to track inventory, revenue, and expenses
- The importance of a positive mindset
- Setting boundaries with wholesale accounts and retail partners
Before joining Momentum, Jesse considered going back to school, “I was literally ready to go back to business school, and then I found in momentum. I was looking at an endless curriculum. It's like holy cow like this is a master's program in something very specific that you love to do.”
Jesse credits Momentum with teaching him a holistic approach to his jewelry business. The coaching from mentors who are experts in the jewelry industry has been instrumental in helping him to take his business to the next level, presenting a more professional and positive brand experience and gaining more respect from his wholesale partners, vendors and customers.
Feeling overwhelmed like Jesse? What if you could take your business to the next level AND gain back your personal time?
Let’s do a free Strategy Audit to see if you’d be an excellent fit for Momentum. Go to to apply!