#324 The Desired Brand Effect – How to Create Desire For Your Jewelry Brand

Today is the day…
This episode is going live on November 9, 2021. The official launch date of my book The Desired Brand Effect.
If you’re a regular here at Flourish & Thrive Academy, you already know that it’s been such a long journey to get here – and it’s finally paying off!
If you don’t already know my story, I started my first jewelry company in the late 90’s.
On paper, my dreams were coming true, but in reality, I had created a demanding job for myself that I could hardly keep up with.
When the 2008 recession hit, I lost the company. I had created a business that wasn’t aligned with what actually matters to me. When it came time to fight for it, I was completely burnt out.
This experience laid the groundwork for me to rebuild in a way that supported the lifestyle I craved, and it led me to develop the methodology I’ve used to help thousands of jewelry designers build and scale their brands online.
That methodology is called The Desired Brand Effect.
My book is essentially a distilled version of everything we teach in our courses and coaching programs here at Flourish & Thrive Academy.
It’s perfect for anyone trying to build a creative product business online, and it’s chock-full of valuable resources, case studies, and insight into what it really takes to grow a six and seven figure brand.
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Creating Desire
The Desired Brand Effect is made up of three parts: Creating Desire, Sharing Desire, and Scaling Desire.
All three are essential to a successful business, but the first part, Creating Desire, is especially relevant to those who are new on the scene.
Creating Desire is all about attracting the right people and (you guessed it) creating desire for your brand.
Jewelry is not something people need. It’s a luxury purchase. Designers who still market their jewelry based on the literal features of it, like “sterling silver!” or “handmade!” aren’t creating desire.
When you’re selling jewelry, you’re selling a promise. You’re selling your customers a feeling, status, or something that aligns with their values.
The first pillar of The Desired Brand Effect teaches you how to dial in your brand assets and messaging to connect with an audience that truly cares about what you do.
Sharing Desire
When a woman announces her engagement to her friends, what’s the first thing they’re going to say?
“Show me the ring!”
This ties in perfectly with the second part of The Desired Brand Effect: Sharing Desire.
It focuses on creating a great experience for your customers, both before and after the sale. That experience determines whether that person will buy from you again, and how they’ll talk about your products to their friends.
A bad experience means they’re unlikely to buy from you again, and they’ll likely warn their friends not to shop from you either.
On the other hand, a good experience means you have the potential to create a repeat customer who will want to share your work with everyone they know.
That’s the goal of Sharing Desire.
Scaling Desire
Remember how I said that, in creating my first business, I had essentially just created a job for myself?
The third part of The Desired Brand Effect, Scaling Desire, covers everything you need to know to avoid making the same mistakes I made all those years ago.
The focus is on optimizing your business for growth and removing yourself from the day-to-day operations as much as possible.
By doing so, you establish a strong company that supports your lifestyle and continues to grow without making you work over time.
This looks different for each brand. It all depends on your values, your goals, and your life.
Listen to the full episode above for guidance on how to tell which parts of your business are out of alignment with The Desired Brand Effect, and what you can do to change that.
And don’t forget to grab your own copy of the book! You won’t regret it.
xo, Tracy
Get Your Copy of The Desired Brand Effect
The Desired Brand Effect on Amazon
Our Successful Coaching Programs
Episode #322: Behind the Scenes of the Desired Brand Effect Book
More Resources for Jewelry Designers