#24: Be More Efficient: 5 Ways to Market Your Jewelry in Less Than an Hour a Day

If there’s one thing us designers have in common, it’s feeling overwhelmed with everything we have to do to promote our business. AND the problem doesn’t stop there. When we feel overwhelmed, we start going down our to-do lists and completing the simpler tasks. These tasks often have the least impact on our business – I like to call these “$5-10 an Hour” tasks.
Instead, we should use that time to be focusing on highly leveraged activities like sales and marketing. Yes, it’s easier said than done, so I wanted to take today’s episode to go over 5 steps to market your jewelry business in less than 1 hour a day! Let’s get started!
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Step #1 Schedule Time into your Day
The most important step in fitting all your sales and marketing activities into one hour is scheduling time for these tasks – every single day. Over time, it will start to become a habit. When you’re not scheduling this time, some really important RGA’s (Revenue Generating Activities) may fall through the cracks.
Step # 2 Use a Marketing Calendar and Plan in Advance
You may have heard about marketing calendars in passing, and you might have even made one yourself, but are you using this tool effectively?

When followed properly, marketing calendars keep you organized and allow you to plan content and postings in advance. Not only can use this method to schedule things like social media posts for the perfect time of week, month and year, but you’ll know well in advance what content you need to prepare.
Instead of rushing to write a newsletter when you’re trying to fill a big order, you can anticipate scheduling conflicts and work effectively.
Step #3 Focus on the Marketing Channels that Give You the Best Impact
Why put time and effort into something that isn’t delivering you rewards? Since jewelry design is such a visual media, Instagram is almost always a HUGE winner from a social media standpoint. So, if you’re spending a ton of time on Twitter without seeing results, in might be best to reel back and focus on the channels that are truly working for your business.
Step #4 Build Your Direct to Consumer Funnel (a.k.a. Email List)
Social media and blogs are great tools, however, there’s just nothing else that’s going to give you the marketing impact that a strong email list does. After all, you don’t have control over companies like WordPress or Facebook, that can change their algorithms at a moment’s notice, which I talk more about in the podcast above. If a new prospect (a.k.a. a cold lead) opts in to your list, you have direct access to their inbox. This is where you can use your newsletter and emails to nurture and convert them into warm leads.
Step # 5 Automate Your Marketing
I’m not going to lie, email marketing is a detailed process. But as you start to get used to it, you can automate funnels to make your marketing work with your direct effort. You can automate email sequences including post-purchase follow up series and nurture sequences after they opt in. And the automation doesn’t stop there. You can use tools like Hootsuite to automate your social media postings, and you can even schedule your posts on Facebook directly on the site.
Automating these processes is going to continually whittle down the amount of time you spend on these tasks, giving you more time to focus on RGA’s and big-impact tasks.
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