jewelry business

#209 How to Find the Courage to Face Your Fears and Create a Life You Love with Ruth Soukup

By Tracy Matthews / July 9, 2019

I’m beyond stoked about this week’s topic because it’s something the Flourish & Thrive Academy community knows all about… FEAR. Being an entrepreneur by definition pretty much means facing your fears… Putting yourself out there  Taking risks  Doing…

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How to Make Money Fast In Your Jewelry Business

By Tracy Matthews / April 26, 2019

Do you feel like you have no idea what you should be doing to make money? When I first started my business, I was always doing a million things. I was crazy busy. I’d work all day non-stop…

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#198 How to Protect Your Intellectual Property with a Manufacturer with Emma Gregory Boudah

By Tracy Matthews / April 23, 2019

Finally! The weather is warm and days are getting longer. A perfect time to look forward to GROWTH in your business. Springtime is all about new possibilities, right? Time to get your spring hustle on! As designers and…

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#184 The Truth About Why Most Jewelry Businesses are Broke (and What to Do About It)

By Tracy Matthews / January 16, 2019

Do you ever feel stressed about money in your business? 💳 No matter how hard you try to make sales and keep the cash flow coming in, you can’t seem to keep the money in your account or…

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#179 How to Create Branded Collaborations and PR Experiences with Janine Just

By Tracy Matthews / December 11, 2018

A recent NY Times Article announced that Conde Nast is selling off 3 of its publications due to a shrinking pool of advertisers and changes in the way content is consumed… …which in recent times isn’t so much…

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How This Jewelry Designer Got an 83% Increase in Online Sales & Sailed the World

By Tracy Matthews / December 4, 2018

*We feature stories from our community to inspire others to launch, grow, and scale successful jewelry businesses that support their desired lifestyle. Today’s story is an awesome example of how to create a business that works for your…

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How to Market Jewelry Online and 4x Your Sales in 4 Months!

By Tracy Matthews / November 26, 2018

Today I wanted to feature a case study from a real-life jewelry designer who wanted to know how to market jewelry online. Flourish & Thrive Academy is an online jewelry business education company where we teach independent jewelry…

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Can You Work Part Time While Running a Full Time Business? Heck Yes!

By Tracy Matthews / May 6, 2014

By Robin What’s the point of having your own business if you don’t get to make up some (if not all) of the rules? I was talking with a couple of the designers in our mastermind group about…

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The Big Reveal about Copyrights and Trademarks for Jewelry Designers

By Tracy Matthews / April 22, 2014

Have you always been curious about copyrights and trademarks and what the difference is? Have you ever wondered if you should be using them in your jewelry business? Do legal things like this confuse you? They absolutely confuse…

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3 Easy Steps You Can Take That Will Create More Time and Increase Your Profits

By Tracy Matthews / April 1, 2014

Do you ever feel like you are not reaping the benefits of your hard work? Sales are strong and orders orders are coming in, but for some reason you don’t seem to be making the profits that you…

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