#209 How to Find the Courage to Face Your Fears and Create a Life You Love with Ruth Soukup

I’m beyond stoked about this week’s topic because it's something the Flourish & Thrive Academy community knows all about… FEAR.
Being an entrepreneur by definition pretty much means facing your fears…
- Putting yourself out there
- Taking risks
- Doing things that make you nervous
It's all part of this wild ride we’ve chosen as business owners. We know it can be tough, but we also know it's soooo worth it!
The thing about fear is that it has multiple layers… At its core, fear is designed to protect us. To keep us safe.
But because our innate desire to protect ourselves is so strong, it can end up backfiring and leading to things like procrastination, overwhelm, excuses + self-doubt.
We’re all working on mastering that fine line between pushing our edges and playing it smart. And on this week’s podcast, I had the honor of talking to New York Times bestselling author, Ruth Soukup about her incredible journey of overcoming fear and using it to fuel her success.
Ruth’s book, Do It Scared is a guide to understanding what’s really behind the fear that’s holding you back – and transforming that fear into power and action!
In the episode, she takes us through the 7 types of fear, what’s really behind them, and what we can do to overcome and create a life we really love. Ruth’s story is truly inspiring and you won’t want to miss what she has to say!
Listen to episode #209 of Thrive by Design to get your all-access pass to How to Find the Courage to Face Your Fears and Create a Life You Love with Ruth Soukup.
Ruth shared her incredibly vulnerable story in the episode of being at rock bottom, having attempted suicide and feeling like her whole life was falling apart. And she told me what she did to take that to where she is today (a HAPPY, 7 figure business owner)…
Taking one baby step at a time is your best friend when it comes to mastering your fear…
When Ruth was in her darkest moments, she didn’t feel like her long term visions were possible. So she just focused on doing the next small, scary thing. And with each little step, the next one got easier.
And she truly is the living example of this approach
Since fear has both a good side and a bad, we have to learn to understand it and then to leverage it. Ruth explains it like going to the doctor – they have to give you a diagnosis before they can properly treat you!
The same goes for fear… once you understand the type of fear you’re dealing with, you can learn to handle and leverage it. There are 7 types of fear Ruth outlines….
The Outcast
Personally, outcast was my #1 type… and Ruth shared that this is a common one for entrepreneurs. Outcasts can come off as ironic because they APPEAR fearless. But truly, it's their biggest fear to be rejected by others.
This means they’ll often reject other people before it can happen to them. They might try to “go it alone.” But they’re also amazing at taking risks and putting themselves out there!
The Rule Follower
Rule Followers can make good entrepreneurs too… but sometimes they don’t feel like they are. The get held back with a fear of authority or not wanting to color outside the lines. They want to get things right.
This can make them risk-averse. But it also means that with the right support systems, they thrive. A Rule Follower should seek out an amazing coach or mentor to support them in step-by-step actions. This is where they really thrive.
The Procrastinator
At heart, the procrastinator tends to be a perfectionist… They can get paralyzed by the fear of not getting things right. This can really serve them since they tend to do an amazing job! But it can also really hold them back when they get stuck in inaction or the fear of doing something imperfectly.
A perfectionist should intentionally make choices where they do things imperfectly and let themselves make mistakes. Small ones to start. That way when the bigger ones come up, it’ll feel easier!
To learn the other 4 types and find out not only their good and bad sides but also strategies for dealing with them – listen to the full episode!
We dove deep in this conversation about the root of our fears and what we can really do on a day-to-day basis to grow through our fears and use them for information + fuel. I just know you’re going to LOVE this conversation…
This week we’re also holding a contest to win a FREE copy of Ruth’s book, Do It Scared. If you loved what you read about her work and you’re itching to learn more, follow these steps to enter to win your own copy:
1. Listen to this week’s episode of the Thrive by Design podcast
2. Subscribe, rate and review the podcast
3. Share a screenshot of your review on Instagram and tag @flourish_thrive @applepodcasts #ftadesignersrock #ftadoitscared
We will be announcing the winners on Facebook and Instagram on Friday, July 12th and I can’t wait to hear what you think of this episode!
xo, Tracy
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