#9: The 3 Key Components to Creating Jewelry Collections That Sell

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Today, we’ll be talking about something that I am so passionate about: collection design! While jewelry making is an art we all know and love, it can be good to check in with our creative selves every once in a while and ask, “Am I creating jewelry collections that I can sell?”

In today’s podcast, we’re going over the 3 key components of a super-sellable collection!

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#1 The Statement Piece

The statement piece is the one product in your collection that will truly capture your DREAM client’s eye first. The piece should possess a sort of wow-factor that everyone notices if you wear it. Whether this piece finds its way into a store, in a case at a trade show, or on the homepage of your website, this should be placed front and center.

Unless you are chiefly a statement jewelry designer, this piece probably isn’t going to be your #1 best seller. So, why is it so necessary? Because creating jewelry collections that sell depends on capturing clients' attention – and the statement piece does just that.

#2 The Gateway

Gateway pieces are typically your best sellers – the chosen few items that pretty much everyone wants to buy. There are always exceptions, but they’re typically in the middle price point of your collection’s range and they’re usually of medium size and depth. These are the pieces that will get along with your statement piece and will get you the most press. While every designer has a different style, these pieces usually aren’t the flashiest, nor the daintiest, of the collection. These pieces are truly a ‘gateway,’ tried and true design, and they should be perfect for everyone from a new prospect to your oldest clients.

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The 3 Key Components to Creating Jewelry Collections That Sell

#3 The Upsell

The add-on or upsell item is typically the lowest price point in your range and therefore easier to ‘add on.’ Whether it’s a dainty earring or simple matching bracelet, your upsell items should be something you truly feel confident in suggestive selling and marketing as a gift idea. Upsell items are SO necessary in your collection because, at the end of the day, it's easier to sell to a customer who is already over the line.

Still Have Questions?

For those of you who may still have burning questions even after you listen to the podcast, or if you’re more of an item designer and are having trouble applying these concepts to your designs, we want to mention that we have an amazing resource that goes in-depth about all these topics.


Download Our Creating Collections that Sell Guide

Optimize Your Collections and Double Your Jewelry Business!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Creating Collections That Sell FREE Workbook
Metier Jewelry Boutique
Polly Wales Bespoke Designer Jewelry
Meghan Patrice Riley MPR Jewelry
Tracy Matthews Jewelry

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