EP382: How to Shake Things Up To Get The Business You Want in 2023

I have a theory – a lot of people prefer to suffer than break up with a toxic habit.
I’m embarrassingly guilty of this…
A few weeks ago, I broke up with a very bad *old* habit that snuck up on me→ acting like a victim.
I’m embarrassed to admit it! It was affecting my business, my relationship with Jason, and my leadership.
Even though I knew I had to change or things were going to get a lot worse – I procrastinated and waited until the pain was too great NOT to change.
It’s amazing what happens when you decide and commit to necessary endings. It’s just a few weeks later and everything has turned around in my life.
If you’re someone who’s ready to release toxic behavior out of your life, listen to my podcast today where I walk you through a 5 step process to release and shake things up.
I hope it helps you make a major breakthrough this year!
Listen to episode #382 of Thrive by Design to get your all-access pass to How to Shake Things Up to Get the Business You Want in 2023.
Part of shaking things up is getting rid of the bad habits that are holding you back. They don’t define you if you can see that they aren’t YOU. It’s time for something a lot better to level up your jewelry business game.
Is your business (or you) holding onto deadweight? Out with the old and in with the new. Clear the clutter and baggage. Be brave and have the conversations and necessary endings that are no longer serving you or your business.
Where do you need support in your blind spots? Where are your knowledge gaps? There is no shame in asking for help to move a lot faster!
Listen for the rest of my tips on shaking things up to have the best year ever!
xo, Tracy
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