#89 Simple Strategy to Sell More via Email Marketing

Pulling off a profitable promotion?
It’s definitely within your power!
Some designers get discouraged when they run a promo and don’t see tons of sales.
You might be feeling like promotions can’t work for you.
Maybe you’re scared to get out there and try again.
Hold up!
There’s one thing you can do to flip the switch from total ghost town to going off like gangbusters!
Today on the show I’m opening up my marketing bag of tricks to share the one tactic I use to seriously supercharge sales during my promotions!
It’s all waiting for you on the show, so let’s dive in!
Click here to download the show notes

Email Anatomy
Using catchy headlines grabs the attention of your customer. It’s the most important part of the email! Making the first thing they see interesting increases the chance they’ll keep reading!
The more tailored you can get the better. Include a call to action and track people who click. Test out some simple list segmentation capabilities your email provider offers!
Finally, email more often than you think you should. Because not everyone is seeing, opening, and reading each and every email.
What’s your Offer?
Being strategic about your offer in advance lets you take the driver seat! Deciding how and why you’re offering the promotion will make your life easier when planning your emails.
It’s also helpful to your customers! They will know exactly what to expect from you. No more last minute ideas complicating your promotion or confusing your customers!
Let’s get Visual!
Include graphics in your emails. Make them cute, clear, and include a call to action! It’s an interesting way to “wake up” you list and get people to notice your offer!
Writing your emails should be a fun exercise. The tone you have while you write emails shines through when people read them.
Schedule your emails in advance and set up customer tags to track links and segment people who are clicking!
We have a super sweet treat for you!
Check out the Simple Segmentation Strategies to Sell More Via Email Blueprint! It’s a great tool to have on hand.
Take action and you won’t regret it!
xo, Tracy
Simple Segmentation Strategies to Sell More Via Email Blueprint
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