EP340 How to Be Awesome on Camera in Interviews with Kim Rittberg

“I have a couple of tips when you land a podcast or TV feature. Get your message and your sound bites under wraps. If you don’t even know your message or your company, or you don’t have your branding down pat, you have to stop. You have to really work on that.”
– Kim Rittberg, Founder of Henry Street Media
You’re in for a real treat this week, m’dear!
Kim Rittberg is a branding consultant, content strategist, and on-camera media coach. She has 15 years of experience in journalism, marketing, and branding at Netflix, People, Pop Sugar, Us Weekly, Fox News, and Inside Edition. She’s also done branded content for Bloomingdales, P&G, Essie, Kia, and more.
Kim formulates and crafts customized communication and content strategy plans that drive engagement and revenue. The finished product is a perfect mix of video, photo, and digital content that is creative, innovative, and thumb-stopping.
In fact, her videos have been viewed more than 500 million times, and Kim is someone I’d refer to as a media ‘unicorn’, having been an executive across TV, Digital Video, and podcasts.
In this week’s episode, Kim will be sharing tips and spilling her secrets about how you can be awesome on and off camera in interviews for your jewelry brand.
Focus Your Content Creation
“One of my biggest tips in terms of content creation is being hyper-focused,” says Kim.
You don’t have to do everything. Even major media companies have limited resources and turn down many celebrities because they just don’t have the staff to shoot or edit the materials.
Focus on content and opportunities that will really move the needle in your biz.
In the full interview, Kim also gives examples of what you need to focus on as a jewelry company.
Craft A Great Pitch
Kim says, “Make sure that if you’re pitching to a TV or video or podcast outlet, you absolutely need to put yourself on video.”
Thousands of people have pitched to Kim, and she emphasized that producers cannot book you if they don’t know how you look and sound.
Kim also mentioned the different types of stories you can feature about yourself so they will get to know you and your jewelry better.
Kim also said that you should give producers different angles so they are not restricted with materials that will work best for your brand.
And of course, your email should look good, be free of typos, and stay concise because you need to capture their attention given their limited time.
How to look Natural in Interviews
“I always recommend to people to over-prepare, so when you’re on, you seem really natural,” says Kim.
Kim also gave steps and examples of things you should prepare and understand, even way before making a video. These things are crucial so that the audience will understand you and become your customers.
Listen to the full episode to hear Kim’s fun trick for getting warmed-up before interviews.
Post On Social Media Consistently
“Start making content, start showing up on camera, and start bringing people into your journey,” Kim advises,. “They are going to connect more with you as a brand when they know your story or when they know who you are.
I couldn’t agree with her more. Anything that you pitch to a TV station or another editor could be created as content for your own channel or social media.
You don’t even have to wait to be covered in national or local publications because you can start creating content now. In effect, you can create your own media outlet.
Practice Makes Perfect
For anyone nervous about being on camera, don’t sweat it. “You’re always getting better,”. Kim says, “Your pitch next year is going to look better than this year. Your pitch in two years is gonna look even better. So don’t be harsh on yourself.”
Keep learning., Do some research, ttake classes, or hire someone to help you with PR, even if it’s not an agency. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
Successful jewelry designers continuously learn and invest in themselves and their jewelry business.
Remember, you’re in it for the long run if you want to have a thriving and timeless jewelry brand.
Listen to the podcast episode above to learn all the valuable tips, examples, and techniques from Kim Rittberg on how you can leverage media outlets and social media to make your jewelry brand flourish.
xo, Tracy
Follow Kim Rittberg on Instagram!
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