#113 Digital Marketing Momentum Series Part 3: How to Master Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Standing out online really boils down to continuity.
Everything about your brand and marketing strategy needs to be saying the same thing, otherwise people get confused.
This takes a lot of thinking, planning, and careful execution. However, once you know your strategy the rest gets a lot easier!
Deciding what to post, how to promote, and where to ‘show up’ online gets really clear, but you gotta do the thinking first!
Without it, those decisions can get super overwhelming. often times that’s where designers end up getting stuck, frustrated, and their brand suffers as a result.
If this is where you’re at right now, I’ve come to save you!
This Digital Marketing Momentum series is for YOU, m’dear!
So grab yourself a hot cup of coffee (or tea) and get cozy because we’re about to get started!

Know How People Know You
Getting new customers is always exciting! When you’re working with them, make sure you pay attention to how they found you.
If this isn’t part of your intake form (or if you don’t have an intake form) just ask them! This is super important in knowing which marketing efforts people are responding to! One of my last clients said he loved the video on my website, so if you don’t have a video I highly recommend it!
Rewarding Your Referrals
Having loyal customers who are willing to share their experience with friends and family is pure gold for your jewelry business! So how are you encouraging happy customers to tell the world about you?
Give them perks! Setting up a referral program, rewards points, or some sort of ‘thank you’ to your loyal customers who send you referrals! It’s so easy and a great way to build relationships, trust, and revenue!
Managing Your Creativity
Staying focused is hard as a creative! There are some great tools you can use to make sure all your ideas come to life, the right way, at the right time!
Having a project management system, instant messaging app, and one central place for your content makes it easier on you and your team! Things fall through to cracks so easily when there are lots of moving pieces!
Okay, cool…let’s keep this momentum going!
One way to do this is to know exactly where you’re at today and what’s next to get you where you want to go.
I put together this (really awesome) Digital Marketing Momentum Scorecard so you can do a little audit in your business.

We’ve heard it takes about 30 minutes to fully complete (because it’s THAT epic!) so set aside some time, maybe tomorrow morning or even during the podcast, to fill this out and evaluate your digital marketing.
Once you know where you’re at, it’s way easier to see how to get where you’re going! We're centering this whole idea of building momentum around getting direction and taking action.
Taking action produces more action, right? So if you’ve completed the scorecard and you’re ready for the next step, Book a strategy call.
xo, Tracy
Often times we know we’re ready for something, but we make excuses.
I encourage you to allow the momentum you’re building to give you that little push you need to say “yes” to your online success.
Momentum Coaching Program isn’t right for every designer. It IS right for YOU if you’re in that place where you feel the tug at your heart and the blocks in your head (you know what I’m talking about)
Digital Marketing Momentum Scorecard
Momentum Coaching Program