#231 Top 7 Business Lessons From 2019

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How have you changed since the beginning of this year?

2019 has been a transformative year for me. I thought it would be a steady, average year. I had the systems in place in my business, so I thought maybe I could relax and coast for a little while.

But the universe had a different plan…

And I’m so glad it did because I learned SO much this year that I will never forget!

I love New Year’s because it’s a time to reflect on how far you’ve come in the last 12 months. On top of that, this year is exceptional because it’s the end of a decade!

Before we launch back into the roaring 20s, I invite you to do some critical reflecting on yourself and your business in the last year, and in the last 10 years.

I created a totally FREE worksheet to help you evaluate how far you’ve come, and make a plan for where you want to be.

Click here to download Your Year + Decade in Review Worksheet!

I have been doing a lot of deep reflective work myself as we wind down this decade. There are a few lessons I learned this year that I want to share with YOU…

Click here to download the show notes

Let Go of Stories that Hold You Back

Sometimes you hold on to stories about the world and your place in it that hold you back from our true potential.

Those stories will keep limiting you until you acknowledge them and do the work to clear them.

Negative mantras that drag you down, like, “There isn’t enough money to go around.” can be reframed in the positive: “There is enough money to go around.”

The first step is to identify YOUR limiting beliefs and stories. What it will take to clear them?

Take Full Responsibility for Your Success

Have you ever caught yourself playing the “Blame Game?” I know I have.

Tsk tsk tsk.

It’s easy to blame others for your problems and avoid taking responsibility, but it’s neither realistic nor productive.

As a jewelry-preneur and creative visionary, you are responsible for your own success. Own it. And when those sweet moments of success do come, they’ll be even better!

Always Operate from a Growth Mindset

At times, it can be a challenge to stay positive and operate from a growth mindset, rather than a scarcity mindset. But when you do it, it pays off. 

Every. Single. Time.

Don’t expect miracles to happen when you haven’t done the work. Take action. Implement what you learn. The miracles will come.

If you nurture a mindset that is open to new opportunities, you will start to notice them all around you. It’s like magic. 

That’s all I can say for now. To hear the rest of the 7 lessons from 2019, listen to the full episode above. And don’t forget to grab Your Decade in Review Workbook!

I’m wishing you restful holidays, m’dear! 

xo, Tracy

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Do you have a framework in place to set yourself up for success in the new year? I can help!

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Your Decade in Review Workbook

Laying the Foundation

Apply for a Free Business Accelerator Audit



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