thrive by design podcast

#240 How to Polarize to Magnetize Through Your Branding with Re Perez

By Tracy Matthews / February 25, 2020

Jewelry designers are a kooky lot. We know how to embrace the weird that makes us unique in a world that would often rather stifle it. My friend Re Perez is someone who knows a thing or two…

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#238 Ask Me Anything: Questions From Our SOS Students

By Tracy Matthews / February 11, 2020

What kind of questions are successful, in-demand jewelry designers asking about their business? Today, we’re going to find out – and answer them! I get Insta DMs all the time with questions about everything from sales to social…

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#237 Why I Care So Much About Your Jewelry Business

By Tracy Matthews / February 4, 2020

Every time I get an influx of new students, this question comes up in one way or another: “Tracy, why do you care whether my jewelry business fails or succeeds? Why should I listen to you?” Ouch, but…

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#236 Celebrating Our Students’ Successes

By Tracy Matthews / January 28, 2020

Building a business takes courage. I’ve seen designers try to do the same thing over and over again expecting something to change because they’re afraid of what might happen if they try something new. The monotony is familiar…

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#235 What’s Working NOW to Market and Sell Jewelry

By Tracy Matthews / January 21, 2020

I wish I could say the jewelry market isn’t saturated, but let’s be honest… it is. But I’m not telling you this to discourage you. On the contrary, you need to know that it takes consistent strategy and…

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#230 Chicago Responsible Jewelry Conference Recap with Jess Gebauer

By Tracy Matthews / December 17, 2019

Have you ever thought about the impact your brand has on the environment and in communities around the globe? There’s a shift happening in the jewelry industry right now. People all the way down the chain, from consumers…

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#229 How to Know When It’s Time to Do the Work to Ask for Help

By Tracy Matthews / December 10, 2019

There was a time when I didn’t believe that anyone knew how to grow my business better than I did.  In fact, I was so ashamed to ask for help when I was struggling, that I pretended like…

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#228 She Hired a Virtual Assistant and Her Business Scaled – Here’s How She Did It

By Tracy Matthews / December 3, 2019

Do you ever feel like you’re trying to do everything at once? That’s not a good sign, m’dear. When you’re trying to run a business and handle everything by yourself, it quickly becomes overwhelming and you end up…

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#227 How One Skeptical Designer Doubled Her Sales This Year By Taking Our Advice

By Tracy Matthews / November 26, 2019

I love it when a skeptical designer enrolls in our program – only to have their business totally transform! That’s exactly what happened to Peggy Houchin, the designer behind Peggy Houchin Jewelry.  Peggy came to us because in…

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#223 Don’t Keep Your Day Job with Cathy Heller

By Tracy Matthews / October 29, 2019

You’re here because you don’t want to work on building someone else’s dream, you want to build your own. But… how do you turn that dream into a reality? Allow me to introduce Cathy Heller, author, and host…

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