#180 How to Align Your Content with Your 2019 Sales Plan

Content is King (yes, even for a jewelry brand).
And when your content is marketed the right way, you can easily connect with those perfect customers…you know the ones who keep coming back for more?
The ones who buy everything you make!
The ones who tell the world about how much they LOVE your jewelry!
Yeah, those ones!
Have you heard of the 1000 True Fans philosophy?
It states that you don’t need millions (of dollars, customers, products), you just need 1000 true fans who buy everything you make.
When you get 1000 true fans, you’ll never be a starving jewelry artist…you’ll have an awesome business that supports you forever!
One piece of the “1000 true fans philosophy” is that you need to create a relationship with your fans…that starts with them loving your jewelry and your story…you keep ‘em hooked by curating content (social, email, blog, downloads, etc) that adds value to your brand experience.
Today on the show, I’m sharing How to Align Your Content With Your 2019 Sales Plan so you’ve got double duty working for you and fans in tow…
Set Your Sales Plan
Planning your sales projections is important to reaching your financial and business goals. One of the places that jewelry brands drop is connecting the dots between goals, projections, promotions, and content.
Having a solid sales plan in place is a MUST if you want to reach your goals. Aligning the content marketing plan with those goals is the piece that gives you extra exposure and traffic to your site.
Create Your 90-Day Sprints
Overwhelmed by “all the things” you have to do? Try being a bit more granular and working in 90-day sprints with 3 key projects per quarter.
Many productivity gurus share this philosophy and it’s the way we help our SOS Accelerator students plan content and projects every quarter.
Books like the “12 Week Work Year” do a great job of explaining it fully if you’d like more info on how to plan a sprint.
Curate Content That Aligns With Your Promotions
Now that you’ve got your important projects lined up, time to start creating and curating the content that supports your marketing and sales plan. Blog posts can be leveraged in at least 35 different ways to curate content across all platforms. Correspond emails and promotions to social and Pinterest posts as well.
While I do a high-level overview of how to do this in the episode, after you listen to the rest of my tips, check out the other blog and podcast content in the links below..
Oh yeah, and make sure you sign up for our FREE bootcamp coming in January (details below).
xo, Tracy
Sponsor Spotlight!
Jump on the waitlist for the Jewelry Brand Makeover Bootcamp and let’s work on your content marketing plan together!
Get on the waitlist now! Bootcamp starts January 15th, 2019!
Jewelry Brand Brilliance Factor Quiz
Jewelry Brand Makeover Bootcamp
Laying the Foundation
SOS Coaching Program
EP69: End of the Year Planning Prep for 2017
EP28: End of the Year Audit: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Kickstart 2018 with a Bang
EP88: How to Create a Marketing Plan for a Jewelry Promotion
EP178: The Epic Online Promotion Strategy that Brought in $8200 in 4 Days
5 Minutes to Famous